She thought she was too busy to look for love
Jessie was a very busy single mother. Working 12-hour shifts as a nurse while going to school on the side doesn’t offer a lot of opportunities for dating! She wasn’t meeting many eligible guys in the course of her day, so Jessie decided to give Internet dating a shot.
It all started the week before Valentine’s Day, when Joe sent Jessie a flirt on the site. She didn’t respond immediately, but she liked what she saw on his profile. Joe indicated that he was looking to meet women between the ages of 30 and 40. “That told me he was serious and ready for commitment,” notes Jessie. “He wasn’t looking for some 18-year-old arm candy!”
Find your soulmate on Swirlr

The next time Jessie was online, she saw that Joe was too and... invited him to chat. That went well and Joe gave her his phone number. They chatted again and two days later—on Valentine’s Day—Jessie made the call. It was a great conversation, but soon thereafter Jessie was leaving to go on vacation in Africa. Without hesitation, Joe added international calling to his phone plan so they could talk during the three weeks Jessie was out of the country.
It wasn’t until the middle of March that Joe and Jessie went on their first date. She could tell from the moment they met that Joe might be a keeper. “I thought he looked exactly like his pictures, which was a relief,” she recalls. “He looked so sexy, his eyes were so dreamy, and he was unpretentious. The answers to the questions I had for him were on point, uncensored and genuine.”
After enjoying a scenic drive, they stopped to share pizza and wine at a small cafe. Sitting outside, Jessie and Joe were surrounded by passerby on the sidewalk and cars on the street, but all the hustle and bustle seemed to disappear around them. “We were in a zone,” says Jessie. “Everything seemed to stop and all I could see or hear was Joe.”
The couple couldn’t shake the feeling that they had somehow met each other before—they felt just that comfortable together. Both are into the outdoors, photography and travel but more importantly, they found their core principles aligned.
The night ended with dinner at a cozy Mexican restaurant. “The conversation, the mood, and the company were just right,” says Jessie. “As he dropped me off that evening, I knew he was the one.”
Their date had lasted nearly eight hours, but for Jessie and Joe, it seemed like no time at all. They are now seeing each other exclusively and talking about making a lifelong commitment. “Joe is warm, genuine, open...He has a big heart,” Jessie says of her man. “He makes me feel like a princess!”
So, no matter how busy you are, save room in your life for love—it might be waiting for you here, right now…
37 responses to "She thought she was too busy to look for love"
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Ashly87 says:Posted: 14 Mar 11
I hope I can find real love soon. Im young but very much so ready "sigh".
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sammyleo27 says:Posted: 28 Jan 11
Aaaw!!! this story is so encouraging to me, I will never give up hope because of Jessie and Joe, Good luck to you both best wishes for the future!
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Empress26 says:Posted: 17 Jan 11
I do enjoy this story thanks allot for sharing it with all of us. I must truly say that while i am writing this comment on this blog, there isn't a second that i don't feel like giving up.So many guys yes on site but so little of them have the ability to hold a great intelligent conversation with. There are times when days will go by and i wont even log on to the site cuz it's like dejavu all over again. Thank you so much for your story am happy for you guys and wish you all the best of health and happiness. Stories such as yours give me the reason for still being on this site hoping to find my mr.right.
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yobaby40 says:Posted: 28 Nov 10
I think it's great that Joe and Jessie found love, I'm hopeful for the same.
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Tinabutler says:Posted: 17 Nov 10
If you look out the box you can always find the right man for you no matter what color he is
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LivingLife21 says:Posted: 14 Nov 10
I really enjoyed reading this story. I've always stayed to true to what I was attracted to but I'm finding myself more and more wanting to step out of the box and give something else a try. Thanx
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cinnamon0310 says:Posted: 30 Oct 10
What an awesome story? The reason, I'm on this site, is to meet my soul mate...Oh yes, I know, he's out there...While, reading this beautiful story...heyyyy, he has to be, right...Congrats, to you both...hugs
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georgered31 says:Posted: 29 Oct 10
That rth. Hey LiL Sis & Mr Stone. What an Wonderful story. The best part About it is . I Know that Its True. When I met Stone I Said he's a cool guy & I saw your face glowing, U Both Give Me Hope That there is good people still out there. Luv. Big Bro:
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babygirl2121 says:Posted: 28 Oct 10
What a wonderful story; I believe my future mate is on here too.
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arayesola says:Posted: 28 Oct 10
Wonderful, i pray God will join the union together, also make all of us in the site to find our choice. i'm happy for u pple
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Cinnamon4000 says:Posted: 25 Oct 10
I think that is a wonderful story. I want to meet my mate as well. I rather for him to be white.
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fire321 says:Posted: 18 Oct 10
Great story! May you have many, many years together.
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Estmina says:Posted: 14 Oct 10
Iam so pleased for this couple and i'm hoping something simular and wonderful will happen to me and potential soul mate, when i meet him. I will never give up on love becausei know its out there for all of us. I wish a worrld of happiness for Jessie and Joe and couples like the, Estmina.xx
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brothamanchill says:Posted: 11 Oct 10
This is an example of love being expressed with no limits. There is nothing more beautiful than a diverse America. Who's to say we have to date people similar to us in cultural background or heritage. We should be with someone who makes us happy. People, never be ashamed of the one you love, if they see it, they will move on to someone who is no afraid to show you them off to the world. Best Wishes!
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berrykisses says:Posted: 27 Sep 10
I am glad to see love working out for people...awesome story!
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tasha504 says:Posted: 23 Sep 10
Such a great story and I'm happy for you guys. Hopefully I can share a great story one day.
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Story_Maker says:Posted: 21 Sep 10
I meet a lots of interesting people all over the planet, this is wonderful way to stay in touch with Human rase! I am also busy with children, and dont pay attention at my privat life, but the years as passing by very fast, and i wasnt have time to turn around but i lost 10 years of my life, somehow, somewhere! Hope i will found for me... wish you wonderful life...
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serenity33 says:Posted: 19 Sep 10
I one one hundred percent with you, JimShorts. I especially agree with the latter statement because people can be married and cheating and the internet can help you really get to know the person better in that capacity. You can run background checks online to see someone’s marital status and other things they may have bad in their past. I especially encourage women to do this with all the internet predators out there. There is an entire blog out there about an internet stalker and how women have to be safer when dating online. I totally agree with that.
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hypminds says:Posted: 15 Sep 10
that was a great story even if you guys are so far apart. I do hope you guys do make it because you guys sound like you make each other happy when ever you are around each other. So the best of luck to you both. I hope to find my princess some day
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serenity33 says:Posted: 03 Oct 10
I agree with you one hundred percent, JimShorts. I especially agree with the latter statement because people can be married and cheating and the internet can help you really get to know the person better in that capacity. You can run background checks online to see someone’s marital status and other things they may have bad in their past. I especially encourage women to do this with all the internet predators out there. There is an entire blog out there about an internet stalker and how women have to be safer when dating online. I totally agree with that.
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friendly13 says:Posted: 04 Sep 10
I am so excited and happy for this couple. The look so good and happy together. Thanks for sharing with us. I am very encouraged.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 04 Sep 10
I one one hundred percent with you, JimShorts. I especially agree with the latter statement because people can be married and cheating and the internet can help you really get to know the person better in that capacity. You can run background checks online to see someone’s marital status and other things they may have bad in their past.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 28 Aug 10
I one thousand percent with you, JimShorts. I especially agree with the latter statement because people can be married and cheating and the internet can help you really get to know the person better in that capacity. You can run background checks online to see someone's marital status and other things they may have bad in their past.
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JimShorts says:Posted: 28 Aug 10
I've used the internet successfully and like it for 2 reasons: 1) it's convenient and with a busy schedule allows me to seek a partner at any time - day or night, AND 2) it takes the guesswork out of the equation. Meeting someone "live" doesn't mean they're singel, or even available.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 23 Oct 10
I hope their marriage last forever and is a happy one. But people can be married and cheating and the internet can help you really get to know the person better in that capacity. You can run background checks online to see someone’s marital status and other things they may have bad in their past. I especially encourage women to do this with all the internet predators out there. There is an entire blog out there about an internet stalker and how women have to be safer when dating online. So for those of you not yet married, a good background check is always a good way to be safe and not get hurt emotionally or physically.
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Newawlunzguy says:Posted: 28 Aug 10
The internet provides a viable option for busy professionals and folks who tend to by shy natured. Why leave things to chance? An online profile allows one to gain a basic understanding of what a person is like, and indicates a willingness and availability to date.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 28 Aug 10
Men will always be chasing women just like it has been since the dawn of time so I doubt that any woman will ever find not enough time to be pursued by a man and have a relationship.
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stargal11 says:Posted: 28 Aug 10
A well matched couple. Crograts to you both.Continued love and happiness guys.
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Newawlunzguy says:Posted: 27 Aug 10
With the domineering role that social networking sites are achieving, it shouldn't be surprising that the internet plays a vital role for those who don't find traditional methods of meeting a potential successful. Congrats Joe & Jessie!
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serenity33 says:Posted: 27 Aug 10
Oh I have confidence you will find a guy if you put out the right bait because guys mostly care about is looks and sex as do most women. So I have nothing but the utmost confidence in you that you will succeed.
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gingerlil16 says:Posted: 26 Aug 10
great success story, I am so glad to see that black women have options . thank you so much for sharing. I wish I had the same good fortune as you.
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BintiMfalme says:Posted: 04 Oct 10
Never give up on love, remember Celine Dion who says when you are ready for it, love will come your way.
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donovaghn9 says:Posted: 13 Nov 10
I really love to listen to celine dion, she is a very inspirational woman to me
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Nice story.....beautiful lady. I hope it works out, and I am really glad to see that more and more black women are dating for happiness and taking a chance with other cultures of men. Had someone asked me 5 years ago would I date a caucasian or asian male, I would have said no. But I am inspired more now than ever before. Shotgun007