No One Else Mattered
Soon after meeting on our site, Alan and Stephanie realized their relationship was special. In fact, they felt so strongly for one another that taking the next step seemed natural.
“He proposed to me on one knee, at sunset, near the lake at a place that was very special to him, because it was the spot where he’d watched the sunset with his father for the last time before his father passed on,” Stephanie relates. “I was touched that he’d brought me to that spot to see the sunset! Then he got down on one knee and pulled out the beautiful ring. I didn’t see it coming... and I cried like a five year old. We’re talking snot bubbles! And of course I said yes.”
Find your soulmate on Swirlr

What led up to this wonderful moment? Stephanie started dating online because “I wasn’t finding the type of guy I’d be interested in being in a long-term with, and I was curious as to what online dating had to offer. I’ve never limited myself to one race and I wanted to meet someone with the same relationship goals as mine.”
Still, she wasn’t certain this was the right move. “I was hopeful, but at the same time I was being careful, so I’d say I was confident but realistic,” explains Stephanie.
Alan knew he wanted to use online dating to meet women of other races and/or cultures. “Your site was not the first,” he tells us. “I tried other sites, but I wasn’t satisfied with them.”
What convinced him to post a profile? “I felt more comfortable trying to date outside of my race online, rather than approaching women in person,” Alan explains. He put his odds of success at “50/50, probably.”
By that point Stephanie had been with us for some time. “I’d been a member off and on for three years,” she recalls. “I’d closed my account for about a year, then went back on and met Alan two days later.”
Here’s what happened — she noticed a new member who’d joined a month earlier. The username was “Buckeye_Guy” and guess who the profile belonged to? “I reached out to Alan with a Flirt and he messaged me back,” says Stephanie. “And from that moment on, no one else mattered to either of us. He was the one, and I knew it.”
So what was so great about this guy, anyway? “He was hot!” laughs Stephanie. “Awesome blue eyes and he was a family man looking for a long-term relationship, like me. We thought alike in a lot of subjects, and we still do. We complete each other’s sentences.”
Alan is more concise about why he responded to “Amflady” (Stephanie). “Her picture!”
It wasn’t long before the duo decided to meet on the other side of the screen. As Stephanie tells it, “We got along so well, and we had talked for awhile on FaceTime. It was just time to meet.”
In person, Stephanie wasn’t disappointed. “OMG!! He’s even hotter in real life!” The photo of Stephanie that Alan saw didn’t lead him astray, either. “She’s beautiful!” he remembers thinking at the time.
They were so taken with each other’s good looks that nerves became a bit of an issue. “I was actually surprised by how nervous I was,” admits Stephanie. “I’ve never been nervous meeting new people, but with him, my heart was pumping and my hands were sweating.”
For Alan, the most surprising thing about their first date was “How well we clicked.” He was “110% sure” he wanted to see Stephanie again.
“We didn’t even want to say goodbye,” she declares. “I hated watching his car go down the street... so yeah — we’d already planned the next date before he left.”
Once they started dating in earnest, this couple-in-the-making found their attraction went more than skin deep. “I appreciate what a true gentleman he is,” notes Stephanie. Something Alan really values about Stephanie is “how loving and caring she is.”
Asked if they are each other’s type, they both say yes. “100% on point!” Stephanie says. “Completely similar” is Alan’s response.
The wheels turned quickly for these two and before long they were thinking marriage. Alan explains why he popped the question. “[This relationship] made me look forward to my second half of life. I’m looking forward to growing old with her.”
Stephanie is overjoyed to have met her match. “I’m happier now,” She says. “My soul is at peace because I finally found its mate.”
Now that they’ve found each other, the couple can concentrate on helping others along their own road toward love. “Hang in there,” Stephanie says, first and foremost. “I would get frustrated and delete my profile for a few months, all the time! But you gotta get back in there. Eventually you will find the one who is meant for you — just be patient, they always come when you need them the most and when you least expect them. Also if you want a long-term relationship, don’t get involved with anyone who just wants to be friends or just date. Only engage those who want the same type of relationship you do. And make sure you share the same interests and even the same (or similar) religion. Those issues are important for long-term compatibility.”
As usual, Alan’s words are few but direct. “Follow — and believe in — what you want. Don’t settle.”
Right now the only thing these two are settling on is a china pattern for the wedding.
284 responses to "No One Else Mattered"
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Xabbiegael says:Posted: 09 Jan 17
Wow,congraturations for both.Wish to find my love too.
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Cinshual says:Posted: 07 Jan 17
Beautiful couple..I wish them lots of happiness..
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Jazzbug says:Posted: 06 Jan 17
Lovely. Special moment don't get forgotten. God bless them
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yemmight says:Posted: 11 Dec 16
Lovely... God bless them. True love is head to find.. I want to date out of my race.. Patiently waiting for the right woman to come at the right time
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Jessng says:Posted: 10 Dec 16's a romantic story .. I wish I can found my soulmate too in this site too..Congratulations for both of them
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zaza31 says:Posted: 04 Dec 16
I'm really happy for her most guys I get here are lookin for no strings attached relashionship but I hv this hope that one day the man of my dreams will come Congratulations stephanie garl
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Ealiano says:Posted: 30 Dec 16
Congratulations for all how are you zaza.
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zaza31 says:Posted: 04 Dec 16
Happy for you guys god bless ur 'll : )
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Sardien says:Posted: 11 Dec 16
In realy so.happy wish I can find my soul mate like they did
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mariondama says:Posted: 30 Nov 16
Congratulations to both of them.May that love last forever .Hopefully I will also get my love from this site .
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Bodba says:Posted: 16 Nov 16
I am absolutely wanting a white woman to have mix race children. I am urgently needing assitance to connect through. Can you help me?
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Williamross says:Posted: 15 Nov 16
Can you please to looking for female penpals friends welcome like highland scotland would like to free time and forward am need to help with lady friend have deaf and hearing to both
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moonsky says:Posted: 28 Oct 16
Forget about age come an married me this is my phone number +2348175104544+23408175104544 thanks
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Menkaura says:Posted: 23 Oct 16
I am watching on YouTube, "The Interracial Con Game "
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Wildmanlover says:Posted: 16 Oct 16
I'm going to say this much , a old friend thought me to remember this phase, good things come to those who wait !!!! Bat the same time , I wish that I could find my miss right,.
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Wildmanlover says:Posted: 16 Oct 16
Alan and Stephanie relationship is what I want and the women too, I don't know where to turn to, but when I seen this site, and read how they ment that is how I feel too. Most of the time I can't even get to talk to any women. Can anyone out there that can help me find my miss right
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Mlamar123 says:Posted: 09 Oct 16
This is so motivating. Blessed union as I and the rest here the same motive " meeting the ideal partner through online dating" keep hoping for the best and satisfying finding in meeting our companions
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TRB041976 says:Posted: 12 Oct 16
It's for sure one way to meet but I'm really happy about this way because I'm not going to the bar to find someone to be with where this way you can get it all out of the way and make it work that's what I see is the future in this to find my next mate
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federick23 says:Posted: 07 Oct 16
Congratulations i am also looking for love a woman i will married who have good maners THANK i am single and free
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Gayoyojjj says:Posted: 17 Sep 16
Congrats if I can also get my heart desire .......
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Doce28 says:Posted: 26 Aug 16
Congratulations, encouraging. God bless your love!!!!!!
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Asiy says:Posted: 15 Aug 16
From the story of Alan and Stephanie, we learn that goodness comes after every difficulties.Love truly comes when we need most. Best luck to all!!!
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dladladla says:Posted: 12 Jul 16
I liked this one. Its fantastic and motivational
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BEAUTYBAKH says:Posted: 11 Jul 16
Wooooow great It doesnt matter who the heart tells u to love age is just a number happy for her
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Pearlbeauty says:Posted: 01 Jul 16
Wooow.. My future goals! Congratulations to the both of you ....and have a successful blessed marriage.
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Pearlbeauty says:Posted: 01 Jul 16
Wooow.. My future goals! Congratulations to the both of you ....and have a successful blessed marriage.
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Lembeli says:Posted: 28 Jun 16
Very courageous I still hoping to find my missing rib
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Steeljam says:Posted: 19 Jun 16
You can meet enough of the wrong peeople that will make you want to stop trying but you can't let the wrong keep you from finding what's right
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Well I am so happy for the both of you and I wish to find true love as well. Congratulations to the both of you.