It Only Took Two Weeks to Find the Love of a Lifetime
When asked about our site, a friend who had tried it gave Matt good feedback. Still, he sure hadn’t met “the one” anywhere else—who was to say our site was the place to find her? “I wasn’t that confident and didn’t expect too much,” Matt confesses now. But...within two weeks, he had his eye on someone special: “OneSexySista” was her username.
“I saw her and thought she looked beautiful,” he says. “When I read her profile, I wanted to know more.” Nadiya had never tried online dating before and didn’t know what to expect. But she’d only been a member of our site for three weeks when “Cornerback23” came calling. “He Flirted with me… then I Flirted back,” Nadiya says with a giggle.
Find your soulmate on Swirlr

“We had so much in common from the very start,” beams Matt. But they lived nowhere near each other, so it was some time before they had their first date. Matt made Nadiya a nice dinner. She says “I found him confident, passionate and VERY attractive.” Matt was struck by Nadiya’s in-person presence. “Her smile lit up the room!”
There’s no telling whether a great chemistry online or even on the phone will translate to a date. We encourage our members to meet before feelings become too strong. Matt and Nadiya had passed the test.
“He makes me laugh all the time,” Nadiya says. “I love when he looks at me. His eyes twinkle and I just want to be in his arms.”
Matt feels like the luckiest man in the world. “She’s the sweetest, most caring and genuine person I could’ve wished to meet,” he says.
As their relationship has progressed, the couple are making plans to close the distance between their residences. In fact, they intend to live together—as husband and wife. “I’m happily engaged and eager to marry my best friend!” exclaims Nadiya.
With their wedding now only a few months away, Matt says he can’t wait to buy a home and start a family with Nadiya. “Thanks again for giving me the chance to meet my soulmate!”
41 responses to "It Only Took Two Weeks to Find the Love of a Lifetime"
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ladybarb says:Posted: 25 Jan 16
Congratulations to both of you. May your love and commitment to one another be forever. I'm very happy for you two.
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Machu says:Posted: 05 Dec 15
"We encourage our members to meet before feelings become too strong. Matt and Nadiya had passed the test." I agree that it is best to meet sooner than later. Don't waste your time investing in "what you think" is the ideal mate. As for the reality of these stories, I like to believe they are real. We all choose our reality and my choice is to believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I wish all these couples the best of luck. As to whether or not it will work out is all up to them and the effort they put in the relationship and nothing to do with the site. It is just like meeting someone out on the streets, your success rates, depends more on you and not "how you met". All the best to this couple. You look awesome and I wish you the best :).
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BrownButta1 says:Posted: 29 Oct 14
congratulations, I wish you both the best.
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huntereyes says:Posted: 09 Jun 12
These love stories on this site is crap. I don't believe that they are real. If they are real good luck to them, and if not thanks for playing with peoples emotions who really want to find love.
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liz2012 says:Posted: 27 May 12
Best of luck Great to hear good stories like that Congratulations!!!
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Humor2u says:Posted: 01 Apr 12
Darker you are not meeting the right people (women) Dont get discouraged, stay positive and God will send the right woman in your life. I am praying that God sends the right man in my life as well and I know he will. Humor 2u
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Ryxic says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
Hmmmmmm, these two look great and they are married so whatever problem anybody else will have i guess they gotta have to deal with it, its that simple!! Why are some people all getting too dramatic???
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msbmb33 says:Posted: 14 Dec 11
I wish both of you the best, but until I find my one true love I do not believe in love at first sight
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darker says:Posted: 14 Dec 11
I don't get it! A fine black woman with a Johnny Gumbah, Sammy The Bull look-a-like who appears to have just gotten out of jail this morning for selling Ecstasy to underage kids in nightclubs! PAALEEEASEE! Maybe Jay's right, this is too good to be true-I have to change my strategy. I guess I should shave my head and put fake diamonds in my ears and quit my job and stay out all night.
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ladybarb says:Posted: 25 Jan 16
Darker, I think that you have it all wrong. Perhaps you think the man in the picture is not handsome but, to he most certainly is. Perhaps you do not understand what women seek in a relationship which if GREAT TREATMENT. From your comments, it would seem that you perhaps do not know how to treat a woman and therefore should not display your anger and hostility because it's certainly not appeasing. I would wager to bet that this man treats the woman he's with like a queen. In fact, most men of a different culture and race that are open minded enough to be color blind do treat their significant in a way that she has only dreamed of. Black women are tired of being treated with disrespect and unkindness from our men. Why put up with it when there are other fish in the sea?
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whyt_b0y says:Posted: 13 Dec 11
wish you both all the best life has to offer .i also wish i could find that one special woman and start the beginning of the rest of our lives together .maybe someday i hope.
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lovin43 says:Posted: 08 Dec 11
I love this!!! Nadiya and Matt did the right thing. In fact sincere love starts from day one - e.g. when Matt flirted Nadiya returned the flirt and the tide became high as such the ship had to sail. While many members here turn flirts into jokes e.g. someone sending more than 49 flirts, views one's profile more than 11 times - surely there is no truth in those many flirts. I salute Matt and Nadiya and wish you a happy marriage and prosperous future. What God sets nothing can either be added to it or subtracted from it. It is not the many flirts, winks and views that matter, it is just about being focused and knowing why you are on the site! Even you might find that photos do not count but it is communications that matters!!
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Mimilily says:Posted: 06 Dec 11
Good luck to both of you!I believe in true love and that's what am looking for right now,If you've come around it guard it with all you have.
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Mercyonly says:Posted: 01 Dec 11
I wish you all the best guys
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luv4u2luvme says:Posted: 03 Dec 11
Congratulations to such a beautiful couple. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!
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Nissa69 says:Posted: 28 Nov 11
I believe in these love stories posted, the pics wouldn't be open for us to see visual that this is happening to people that want to be in love, It's not a fairy tale or to good to be true , it's real! Now rather it fails or not its still meant to happen. The bottom line is the proof is in the pic, i mean who would hug and smile with each other in these pics if they wasn't true. COME ON NOW! Let's raise a glass to these goodlooking people. God bless!
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purplecooki says:Posted: 27 Nov 11
Just beautiful, I love it you guys!!!! Congratulations!
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purplecooki says:Posted: 27 Nov 11
Just beautiful, I love it yoy guys!!!! Congratulaions!!!
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NeeNee45 says:Posted: 26 Nov 11
well i just love you guys i think you both looks VERY good together i wish you boyh all the best i will continue to pray for a great relationship and a perfect marriage lololololol talking ahead of the game but hey you never know.. hugs and blessings to you both. i have my eye on someone now and we are getting ready to meet and i pray all is good and i know it will be....holla at cha.
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mdsweetypie says:Posted: 26 Nov 11
What a beautiful love story. I wish you both much happiness. Remember to always be true to one another and treat one another with respect. The best of luck to you both.
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Purr29 says:Posted: 25 Nov 11
Really great love story :-). Thanks for sharing. I wish you good luck in your future together.
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nesha123 says:Posted: 25 Nov 11
Wow how beautiful, I hope you all the best as I begin my journey in hopes to find a great person. May god keep you and stay blessed.
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jayw21 says:Posted: 25 Nov 11
I don't want to be too negative here but these stories seem to be way too fairy tale like. Relationships do not work like this. Look at the divorce rates. Yes I do believe relationships do work out but this is reality. This is not disney. My little sister believes in things like this when she watches Disney movies. Reality does not work like this. I even saw a few women who were on these success stories back on this site. I do wish everyone luck in finding someone and it is possible but lets get back down to earth and acknowledge that there will always be problems. Yes I am on this site now to see what is out there but I do not believe that things work this way. All relationships start off wonderfully and then after awhile a lot of them go down. Please lets be realistic. But I do wish this couple luck.
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sweetlover21 says:Posted: 26 Nov 11
I have to say that I agree with you Jay. It is true. Of course I want to find love too but I don't think it is like this. I haven't met anyone from this site yet but I have met up with people from other sites. They acted so sweet to me and we went out multiple times. My relationship was similar to these success stories but now the person changed and our relationship ended. This has happened many times. My advice to people is to be very careful who you trust. You really do not know a person that well especially when you meet them online. Everyone is always on their best behaviour at the beginning of any relationship and slowly the real person comes out. If someone seems so perfect it is too good to be true. I believe that the best relationships take time. You may not fully click with the person right away but sometimes those are the best relationships talking from friends experiences.
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scandiblond says:Posted: 14 Dec 11
Sweetlover21. I have to agree with you. All the sweet talk and you feel this is the one only to find out that he was telling you lies from the start. meet this awsome( LOL) person who said he was divorced and only to find out months later that he was married. I do believe in love and that somewhere out there there is THAT special person who was meant to be. I wish this couple all the best and for myself to find the same. Ofcourse for you too sweetlover21!!
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tinapame says:Posted: 13 Jun 12
well we find luck in different ways, if it did not work for you within few weeks does not mean it cant work for someone else. People date 3 years and break up and people date 3 weeks and marry, so its just the way you lay your bed, that is how i see it.
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Seymourg says:Posted: 10 Jan 14
O I LoveHer Very Much Heart Reach OutFor Her JusT ForYou Girl
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Humor2u says:Posted: 25 Nov 11
I wish the both of you happiness and blessings.Humor2u
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God bless your union