Is interracial sex better than sex with someone within your own race?
The other day, I google searched interracial sex… all I got was a massive array of porn sites (what was I expecting anyway?). Well, I was hoping to get some insights on the above topic.
Have you ever had sex with someone outside your race? Would you be interested in having sex with someone of another race? Is interracial sex a taboo to you? This is a very controversial topic. “Why the hell would someone prefer to have interracial sex?᾿ most people may ask.
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The truth of the matter is that the US is a culture obsessed with interracial dating and interracial sex, in particular, – both positively and negatively. Going by the history of the slave era white people spoke with repulsion about interracial sex - even though many white men were constantly having sex with black women. In this “colorblind era᾿, people are still obsessed with interracial sex.
According to a poll done on the blog, majority (67%) of the people that participated in the poll said interracial sex is better than sex with someone within their own race and 15% said it wasn’t better. The rest either never had interracial sex or same race sex.
Adult sex dating among interracial singles is much in practice especially among liberal communities and long-term relationships or matrimony is quiet popular. With the internet being a general platform that brings all types of people, cultures and societies together, we need not emphasize the kind of catalyst it is for those interested in interracial dating and sex… it is a well-known fact.
Most people may decide to try out interracial sex just for the kick of it or out of curiosity. This has brought about statements like “once you go black you never go back᾿ among many others. Given the sexualization and stereotypes surrounding interracial sex, we find most people… especially in their teenage and college life engaging in interracial sex just to prove and disprove such statements.
Most people may not publicly say “interracial sex is: bizarre, disgusting, exciting, adventurous, morally repugnant,᾿ and so on. But when people get behind closed doors with their family and friends comments like “That black dude must have really been packing some heat below the belt. Why else would those white women be interested in black men᾿ or “Only white women with no self esteem will get with a guy like that.᾿ When they go online to search for interracial porn, they are thinking it… and don’t get me started people expressing their thoughts with by leaving anonymous comments on blogs.
So what is wrong with enjoying sex with a person of other race?
For some reason, people think interracial sex is exotic and daring… especially when it involves Black men and white women and Asian women and white men. It’s almost like people believe that race is correlated with penis size and a person’s level of sexual desire. But are people who engage in interracial sex are deviant, rebellious, daring, gross, odd, oversexed, and ugly as most people believe?
If you’ve had interracial sex already, how good or bad were the encounters? Is it possible that they had everything to do with the guys’ or ladies’ performances, and not the person’s races?
Tags: interracial sex, adult sex dating
323 responses to "Is interracial sex better than sex with someone within your own race?"
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BROWNTANTRA says:Posted: 26 Apr 12
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pjislooking says:Posted: 21 Apr 12
I have comparisons in my life and I must say that black men are more passionate...more detail oriented.....there is that rhythm to their lives that carries over into the bed room. They feel deeper and are more straight forward about their experience than the average white male. A woman needs to know she is appreciated. ..If you think about music for example...its those soulful songs from the black artists hearts that take you to those intimate places of passion and escape from the world around us. A black man knows how to get lost in that passion and take you with him. pjis looking.
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sylviakhalan says:Posted: 07 Jul 13
the rhythm to their lives that carry over into the bed room??? soulful songs from black artists? come on..... Then you are leaving out Brazilians, Latinos, Italians, etc. You have a homework assignment to do...if casual sex is what you are seeking...(have fun)!!
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SweetWIlly says:Posted: 21 Apr 12
Good sex......when you both are finally finsihed and are laying on your backs in a massive pool of sweat and bodily fluids trying to move your limbs but can't, trying to catch your breathe but can't and your heart feels like it is ready to explode out of your chest...that is great sex!!!
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nika23 says:Posted: 15 Jun 12
I couldn't agree more, you described it best. It's all about the person to me, not their race or their penis size. I've heard some women, black women included, say they want black men because of their size and I don't know how that stereotype came into being. I've only been with one white guy, but I've dated other races and I've seen huge Asians and small black guys. Size aside, I'm always more interested in the type of person and how they treat me because that is more exciting. I want a man who cares about pleasing me too, not one who's so impressed that he has a large penis.
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hazelr50 says:Posted: 19 Apr 12
I can't believe this question, Noooo,ofcourse not it all depends on how well one know how to handle their woman.
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RachE12 says:Posted: 19 Apr 12
Personally i've only had interracial sex. So i wouldn't be able to shed light on it. But i love what i do get. I love the way (black guys) skin feels. I love everything about it and its a huge turn on.
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Carlos1486 says:Posted: 17 May 12
i love the honesty of a woman who is not afraid of what she wants thats awesome rach
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LUCY101 says:Posted: 12 Apr 12
Shocking. I can't believe this is an issue.
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sylviakhalan says:Posted: 07 Jul 13
oh, it truly is an issue. I'm sure LOADS of black women get rude comments from men outside of their race!!!
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sodominican says:Posted: 04 Apr 12
Americans in general aren’t very forthcoming or even sexual progressive people. Sex is a private stale robot dance enjoyed after achieveing stabilty and then forgotten like the milk on the counter til it ferments. “Honey you left the sex out again!” “My friend once asked me, ” How do you know your are good at sex.” My answer is if you are enjoying it and aren’t embarassed you’re doing an excellent job. Sex is not a tool to get what you want or a chore, it is the ultimate expression of intimacy and indulgence. You don’t skim on your cars detailing, why rush the physical details of the one you love?
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Cassie92 says:Posted: 03 Apr 12
Well, I just recently started being sexually active, but I can tell you interracial sex isn't too shabby! Haha. I'm in an AMWF relationship, and let me tell you, whoever said Asian men have small penises lied. I mean, obviously, I can't compare, but I know based on statistics that it's quite a nice size. ;) The thing is, my boyfriend is the best. He makes me feel like his guardian angel, and I feel the same in return. I think about him first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I trust him like I've never trusted another human being ever. He is one of the few people I have ever felt comfortable "loving". I think that makes any expression of our love great; it's not based on skill or genetics. I don't think it's the interracial that makes sex great, though. I feel like dedicated interracial couples have to have a deep love for each other to accept the relationship, and when two people have such deep feelings, those feelings can only be expressed beautifully and passionately (even if a bit awkward at first.)
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Maheva says:Posted: 27 Mar 12
As a black woman I have to admit that endowment is a big aspect of a sexual life! But with time I learned to see beyond that and onnect with the person , at this point sex becomes spiritual and when you get to that point trust me color has nothing to do with it. Please people don't even think that only black makes are hung like horses , cause I met a hits guy that was hung like one and it did not make sex better but painful cause there was not connection at all !!! So I will say attraction, desire and connection are the keys for good sex not race. Cheers
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Jas93 says:Posted: 24 Mar 12
My first time was with a white guy. It doesn't feel any different. The color of his skin didn't even come across my mind. Plus the sex wasn't any good anyway. Had more to do with him, than him being white.
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Sirikit says:Posted: 22 Mar 12
I'd rather use the words making love than sex as I do this act only to the person I love, with that said, i say where there is love, everything is great. When you know that you are in an inclusive and honest relationship, the mind and the heart are in sync so the art of making love becomes more enjoyable, more pleasurable. My views may be a bit conservative but this is my personal opinion. I'm Asian and my ex is black. He satisfied me to the max as I do the same for him. RACE does not play any part in it.
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jaypea says:Posted: 20 Mar 12
you can't help who your attracted to period black,white whatever....some of the comments on here make me question people's moral is where you find it,as for me i love all women...
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sylviakhalan says:Posted: 07 Jul 13
folks are talking about CASUAL SEX more than anything
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WhiteMamma says:Posted: 19 Mar 12
It's time to center sex around the needs of the woman, not the man. Standard sex is everything is about him & his pleasure - why have we put up with it? Now it has to be about our pleasure, he has to prevent his until we have had ours, even if it takes an hour or two. Haha, foreplay, massage, kissing, making out, oral, everything, for one to two hours until the woman is happy......because once he gets his, it's over, he rolls over & falls asleep or else out the door. We women have to demand our own pleasure, they have to have respect & value for us...whatever race they are. I date both black & white & they all need to learn, how to pleasure a woman, they do not know how - sometimes they don't care. Don't listen to what they say, they all talk big. Once behind doors, it's the same ole' story. You have to DEMAND what you want & stick to it. Tell them ahead of time, "This is how it will be, otherwise, don't go home with me." You have to mean business or it's all about them, & then, good bye. They don't even know you the next day. College girls tell me the same exact thing.
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sylviakhalan says:Posted: 07 Jul 13
WhiteMama...thank you!! You get an A++. You are saying it clear and true. Too much casual sex is happening right now.... Too many women giving it up because the men are PRESSURING the women, taunting them and then saying they are sluts for giving it up. Wow...seriously (smh)
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Keepinitrealz says:Posted: 03 Mar 12
WoW! After reading all the previous comments, it's a lot to process... I was adopted by two loving parents when I was 6 months old and was never treated any differently because my skin was lighter than theirs. I can't understand some people's ignorance levels thinking that the color of skin has a direct correlation to the way some men or women may act or if they "pack heat" or not. I have seen how some people still treat others poorly within and outside of their own race. As far as interracial love goes, True Love is generally colorblind (at least that's what I'd like to believe so leave me w my fantasy-haha I get it that not every situation is that way) I just hope sometime in the future we all get passed what color skin which partner has thats different and see it as what things they have in common.
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Newlife421 says:Posted: 26 Jan 12
Its funny how people react to this issue...I have been married to a black woman and married to a white woman...Both were fantastic...I have dated many more white than black. I have travelled over 120 countries and found that the passion between black males and white women is intense. May because of the extreme differences,Let me stop I ask the question all over the world..Its the difference that attracts..You will pay more attention to the opposites...I know..Its passion!!!!
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Arianna208 says:Posted: 23 Jan 12
For me intimacy with a white guy is euphoric . The intensity that is felt when skin on skin contact is made viewing the contrast of skin drives me wild. I'm feel no shame is saying being with a white guy is solely my preference. I have dated black men and was never as satisfied both sexual or emotional as i am now.
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scandiblond says:Posted: 20 Jan 12
@Hanatokoi You said the right thing.Just in my case is the black man's body..LOL I was married for 17 years with a white man. The fantasy was always there to be with a black man. Bad for me was that i didn't "dare' earlier. I am ashamed to say that the should only date within your race.. was a factor. I was in a 2 year relationship with a black man and it was gooood!! Best of it all was that i am free. Free to find the man of my dreams. A man i can please freely and unconditionally and enjoy every single moment.
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WM4Ebony says:Posted: 26 Oct 19
YES!!! Been with a white woman for years but have always been attracted to and desired black women!!!!
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Ladycaramelo says:Posted: 17 Jan 12
Not sure, I'm mixed, white, black n native.
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Hanatokoi says:Posted: 15 Jan 12
Well, I find that just the idea of being able to caress a white man's body turns me on like nothing else. I don't know why I'm like that. I just am. I'm not only attracted to white men. I'm just more attracted to them. I can't even say what I would like to say right now, but yes, I have had a few white boyfriends, and we have had some intimate encounters... and I loved them(the encounters)...
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Cassie92 says:Posted: 14 Jan 12
Well, as someone who's always preferred (and is currently) dating Asian men, you can only imagine the bullshit I have to endure from other people. Even if the small penis thing were true, I wouldn't care. Enjoyable sex has very little to do with endowment.
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Matthew says:Posted: 14 Jan 12
It doesn't depend on race to how sex will be, how "endowed" a person is or how they act... I do not watch interracial porn, but the thought of sex with a black girl seems a lot more interesting to me :) they're just much more attractive to me, as a preference.
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SouthernNC says:Posted: 28 Jan 12
Do you feel that is the only reason why most white men desire black women?
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bolobikko says:Posted: 13 Jan 12
No, not really. But from my perspective, many people who date those from outside their races do so due to various reason's, including boredom, ugly experiences with people from their races as well as excitement!
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bolobikko says:Posted: 03 Jan 12
There is much to learn from this articles and the feed backs. Life is about learning. As long as a person keeps an open mind, the whole world can become a big school. I recommend this article and the feed backs here and wish all the members a happy new year and more success!
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bescho4u says:Posted: 21 Aug 10
I am a 53 year old black female who is divorced and looking. I have never dated a white guy until summer of 2010. I always wonder what it would be like since the small town I was raised in only populated with white people. The sex was good, his kiss was more passionate, his hands felt good on my body and he had a mild manner. We were so far apart (distance) and his family threaten to not speak to him any more. So I let go. I don't care what people think of my relationships, but I do not want to tear a family apart. One day I will meet a white guy again.
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Hanatokoi says:Posted: 15 Jan 12
You're a wonderful person to give up your own wants/needs for that. How could his family think ill of you?! The fools!
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QueenM405 says:Posted: 15 Jan 12
It is unfortunate that you had to let go. If he was a real man, he would not have cared what anyone else thought - family or otherwise!
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mcfly15 says:Posted: 28 Dec 13
The dude was I'm guessing near 50. He could be a grandpa. If he was 50 and worried about mommy and not d inding companionship... you are better off. Best of luck to ya miss
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kellybigtits says:Posted: 15 Aug 10
i,m a 37 yr old wht female divorced now .to me blk men no how to 4fill my needs & am very thoughfull about me 2 most wht men i,v dated just grope me the way i see it is they think cause i was married be4 makes me an easy target , blk men go out of there way yo please me in every way possable . so 4 me its not the skin color that matters its how i,m treated as an equile
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Member says:Posted: 14 Aug 10
well i've never had sex before, but what i noticed is that all the black women are attracted to white men, and all the white men are atracted to black women. i'm more attracted to white women, and i'm black. see i had a couple wet dreams of sex. for some reason, the sex with the white women in the dream was better. and the black was alright and more uptempo. it was more passionate with the white women though. i think its just the skin color it might look good during sex. white on black.
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Isengard says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
..opposites mostly some point it is always in the back of everyones mind & your weakness will be measured by the curiosity a black male & i adore & respect black women deeply, but im sorry to say my attraction seams to always point to light to white women....dont get me wrong matters of the heart are officialy 1st in order....i have never been with a woman outside my race, i would most certainly want to yet again i will never forget either are i read above we should separate f@#kin, sex & makin love & now apply & express with concent to a woman of your choice...
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mosco455 says:Posted: 05 Jul 21
Like me also, I love white women so much and wish to marry one someday
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jlovesjx3 says:Posted: 23 Jun 10
Well, I've read all the comments and agree with a lot of what's said, but realistically its all in the people you associate yourself with and how you carry yourself. There's different types of intercourse, like F'ing, having sex and making love and some women have the hardest time distiguishing between the 3. That's why women stop dating black men because they feel like objects, but that's only because to him, as a man, you've only come off as an object. Only when a man respects you will he treat you with consideration. That being said, I'm hispanic & I am more attracted, visually by black guys. Something about their skin and the texture of it. But that's not to say I haven't had a white guy rock my world. LoL. Btut it was because we both knew what we were there for. But really, all women need to figure out what kind of interaction they are looking for before they go in wanting to make love when the man has decided you're not more than a F! So black girls that ran to the white man for comfort, maybe you weren't worth the black mans time, but that doesn't mean all black men are like that and that goes for all races... :) But mixed babies (black with white or hispanic) are the most beautiful babies I've ever seen... Church! LoL
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Sexulous says:Posted: 21 Jun 10
Honestly ? No matter what Race Men are from I think all Men should make it a Serious Priority to learn more about Women's Mental, physical & Sexual needs & to be more understanding for all Women's sake. If U make the Woman happy, I say keep it up no matter her Race is. I strongly believe Women of all Races equally want GREAT SEX & Multiple ORGASMS. The last thing to ever cross My mind is Race. Alot of Men BLACK or WHITE have different attitudes to Women due to their cultural way they were grown. Yes I'm a BLACK Man, I also live on this SCREWED up Planet, I was raised among many of the Insensitive Males but I decided My MOST IMPORTANT MISSION in My Life is to make any Woman in My Personal Life Happy, respected & comfortable in ways She never imagined.[ Including Multiple Orgasm ] This advice is for EGOTISTIC Males who are mostly TALK & no good Performance in bed. I SAY THUMBS UP to all Men Who do their best to please Women's Erotic needs in Bed no matter the RACE.
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fkoi says:Posted: 12 Jun 10
I don't know it all but I do know my experience and that is that the intensity and pleasure of sex is about 90% mental. The best sex for me has always been wrapped up in love no matter what shade of the rainbow the woman I love is wearing.
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L1sten2Me says:Posted: 05 Jun 10
Hey guys, I'm a Hispanic male and have been with my Filipina girlfriend for just about a year now and I just have to say how amazing interracial sex is for the both of us. I had been with my own race before venturing out into the rest of the world and discovering how great sexual relations can be with women of other cultures, that is, I enjoy making love to my girlfriend of a different race on a greater order of magnitude than I ever did with my own race.
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tah says:Posted: 04 Jun 10
big brown eyes, brown skin in the sun, god-given musculature, luscious lips-- yeah i love love a black man who keeps himself in shape. i can't think of any absolutes about one race or another from my vast experience, and together all of your comments prove that it is relative to your desires, experiences, and your own fantasy of life. my fantasy feeling is like a connection to my ancient roots. i am white but with some olive skin tone... i feel like i step back in time closer to origin and the "cradle of civilization" when i behold the black man. like it's in my genes somewhere along the way.
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Kelly says:Posted: 17 May 10
I'm a 19 year old white girl, and I can say that I've never been with a white guy. All through high school and now college all I've heard is a lot of negative crap coming from the mouths of white classmates, both guys and girls, about interracial dating. Meanwhile I've been hanging out with black kids most of my life and there have been some negativity about race coming from the blacks as well. But the whites were overwhelming. The black girls have never made me feel bad for dating black boys, in fact they have never treated me bad at all. They even spent about 3-4 hours putting my hair in corn rows with Kwanzaa beads in it just for a Prom date my sophomore year. I still have white friends who have only asked the obvious curiosity questions (size of something, etc) but it's almost like I'm black at heart in a white girls body. I lost my virginity to a black man, and I'm proud of it.
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lostpoit1 says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
Kelly: Thank you for your post. I think your is experience is beautiful. It is also typical of the cancer of ingnorance that plagues our planet about with regard to the 'unknown.' It is too easy to speculate and make generalizations about a race or gender on the count of one or maybe even a few bad experiences. What's even more sad is when one can speculate about an experience they've never gone through at all. I am a black man and up until recently I've never been intimate with a woman from outside my race. This is not b/c of any external pressure (as if from others). I just never had occasion. The experience was amazing! Do I think this had anything to do with my race. Not at all. I think it had everything to do with connection. It was a connection unlike any other that I had experienced with a black woman (and I've been married twice). In fact, the sex lasted longer than any encounter I've ever had. Of course, in my imperfect mind I BRIEFLY reasoned, "Hey, I'm never going back to black women in my life." C'mon, who wouldn't rationalize that, if only for a moment. Of course, I quickly dispelled that thought and settled in to the realization that a number of things factored into those amazing experiences I've had with her: 1) Experience. I'm both older and 'wiser.' As a young man I selfishly assumed the wham, bam thank you man attitude typical of ANY male. I hand no idea that (for most women) love making is just as much a mental and emotional experience than it is physical (it starts before the bedroom). I didn't know then what I know now. Sadly, it took me two failed marriages to realize that. And being single and celibate for a while the 'cookie' was presented to me at the right time. Now, it just so happens that the 'cookie' was a vanilla wafer and not chocolate chip. That's all.
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Trina says:Posted: 12 May 10
I,m a white woman I had white men and black men in my life. And I can say that I'm really black in my heart. You have to pick the right man that you'll really love!
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hereandthere says:Posted: 26 Apr 10
To each his own. No two people are the same. There is no such thing as "race". We are all one race with different skin color and shape. Certain people may be more sexually attracted to someone who has a different look from them, while others prefer in others the same attributes that they have. I find all shapely women sexually arousing, but I have been attracted more to Latina and Philippians, or one of those ladies who are in between Philippians and Latina. As far as sexuality is concerned, as long as the lady has thick shape, I am happy from mid night dark skin color to the lady who has never seen a sun light. But when it comes to dating/serious relationship , don't ask me why - I don't know the answer, I prefer Latina or Philippians.
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brentano says:Posted: 18 Apr 10
People are expressing their personal preferences and asserting them as facts of life. I think one major thing with (most) human sex (of any color) is if the two people involved are attracted to each other and if the both of them become sufficiently aroused. I think arousal happens less readily for women than for men. But, in IR relationships, both partners can arouse themselves (because of their beliefsarousal is in the mind). And, if this happens, then they will probably have a good time. There is nothing wrong with liking another color but there is a problem when you strictly attach behavior and attitudes to a color and not to a culture. And, I know this is problematic when you use a color to describe a culture. It is easy to focus on the colorrace terms and not the cultural terms here.
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12cuddlewith says:Posted: 24 Jan 10
Sex is sex regardless of the race of man/woman.... can do it well or you can't....period! i don't get into this whole "oh black men have the biggest wee wee's" because i have seen some the size of a party wiener. lol And i have seen some white men hung! Just like i don't get into this whole men thinking a woman with a banging body is good in the bedroom! Its all about how well u can use what u have.
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kate says:Posted: 05 Dec 09
I would love to meet an asian man, or polynesian...or even an ethiopian Tingray man...but I have dated a number of ethnicities, and I think asian men are have some great qualities plus I like intelligent men...but my preference are men that are not american...foreign men are hot and I love the different cultures.
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ACEBENICE says:Posted: 29 Nov 09
well, i have learned a lot from this blog. not that i don't have my own opinion. whatever an individuals experience brings him/her seems to be the all in all. you have to have a standard for anyone who you allow into your heart, space and love. interracial love is strong in itself. it has to be in order to survive and exist. if there are any bible readers on this site, read the old testament and you will read about interracial love between powerful men and women. since this is not a bible blog, i will move on. in my experience, if there is no trust, there is no chance for love. that being said, when those two are working, the passion and sex are so damn strong, it leaves you in a daze, but wait....what race is he/she......? i have had good and bad with both black and white men. after you grow up and have some understanding about the soul, you make choices of whom you can trust. for me, it is love and if a man can not love and look beyond sex, he is not a man but a boy with a hard on. so what is my point here? race does and does not make the great difference. it is what and who you are comfortable with. my comfort is and has been with white men and for many reasons. i don't have anything against black men. but my experience is my own and i own it with understanding that all men are equal, but some less fortunate than others
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jokeboy69 says:Posted: 28 Nov 09
alex your a dum ass and you need to remove your profile you are only here to cause trouble
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kalbo says:Posted: 28 Nov 09
Hmmm, weird. The Alex guy is a troll trying to start trouble. Move on idiot. As for the sex thing, I guess you would have to quantify what type of sex you are looking for. If you want freak sex then the best I have ever had was white girls. Also some of the worst I ever had was white girls hehehe. I must say then that in terms of bedroom athletics, most black women I've dated were pretty conservative. That did not make the sex less enjoyable, just different. I still love the color contrast while making love and I really believe it has more to do with individual chemistry than skin color. That being said, I don't know why I am more attracted to black girls than white girls, I really think it was something I was born with because with me it has always been that way.
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fire321 says:Posted: 28 Nov 09
this alex individual is an idiot. i'm with you bigeyes...magic?? alex needs to seriously seek therapy
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Armando_G says:Posted: 27 Nov 09
Alex, what are you talking about? Black women are gorgeous!!!
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alex says:Posted: 03 Nov 09
I think black women are bad,very smelly and I ever trapped to sleep with black women And I almost die because I can't handle her smell,desire and her Sexual ability which is too strong. Black women tend to act like a dirty bitch and Whenever white men is in love with black women,I think it is because Of magic. It is so stupid to fall in love with black women.they only love white dicks. The question for black women"can u do better things rather than sex all the time with ur skin?"Please don't Use magic to attract white men.
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sodominican says:Posted: 04 Apr 12
lmfao wtf
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sodominican says:Posted: 04 Apr 12
jejejejejejeje Esto es tan ridículo. ¿Por qué la gente responda a este hombre? I LAUGHED SO HARD I GREW EXTRA ABS!
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SimplyMe says:Posted: 11 Oct 09
I think its very interresting that people say that the black race will dissapear... fact is that the ligher traits are resesseive, meaning you need both parents to pass it on... the darker traist are dominant and you only need one parent to pass it on.. Simple Mendelian science that people that went to highschool should grasp. Is anything, the blond, blue eyed genes will dissapear, not the other way around. As far as bm packing more heat - there is no statistics that say there is a statistical true difference between wm and bm. Is sex better in an IR relationship?? I would not know - I only been with one bm - but imo - I dont think so. The great sex comes with connectivity, if that is a word.. if you truly love eachother and have passion, regardless of color, the sex WILL be great. I have great sex with my beau - is it because we are in an IR relationship? Hell no! Its because we love eachother and desire the heck out of eachother... color is just secondary, has nothing to do with anything in our case. I know that some think the contrast is sexually appealing and add to the zest.... I dont deny that, nor do I reject it - I just dont think that is the one answer that covers all...
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Member says:Posted: 27 Sep 09
Ive dated many black men through the years and it does seem to be true that they lack sensitivity. The few have been well-endowed, but like others expressed, they think that you should be priveleged. So, now I've given up and appears have gone "blanco".
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skygal says:Posted: 23 May 13
I've been with probably equal number of black and white guys. My preferance is for white because IMO they take more time and detail with the fore and sometimes afterplay. They are more open about sexuality eg kinky stuff they won't hesitate to tell you about their kinks and ask for them and explore yours if you have. I think it should also be said coz I think many of you know it anyway but won't say- oral is almost guaranteed with white and its done well coz they enjoy it. Which really turns things up a few notches. Having a big one doesn't mean much if its used wrongly- when you're not ready or (like I've experienced and heard from friends) if the guy is doing you like he's a porn star performing for camera and you could be any woman. I think on average black men Are probably bigger and have better style, rhythm when it comes to the core performance, however I think white men are probably the gentler, more romantic and more involved lovers. Which I personally prefer. I wonder if everyone will agree with me. And yes, at the end of the day the actual relationship counts for a lot, but let's not pretend the sheer exotic thrill factor (skin Color/feel contrast) does not exist. It does and its hot as hell ;-)
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WM4Ebony says:Posted: 18 May 22
Yes!!! The skin factor!!! The color the feel!!! The ass!!! The lips!!! The saunter!! The uninhibited way of a black woman is overwhelming!!!
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Member says:Posted: 17 Sep 09
The trouble with interracial coupling is that as a proud black male ,we are losing our heritage as a black race.By marrying with a white, we are diluting our black background of where we came from and where we're going as a race.I predict in twenty years there will be only one race and I'm afriad ours will no longer exist.
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Interracial sex rules!!Some people are affraid to try it,because they don't want to be judged by today's society;but they would love to have that experiences.Some will go to other places where nobody knows them to get what they really like.
thank you skidivfly007!! Interracial /intraracial is all the depends on the person. When you actually take you own self-imposed racial limits off and just enjoy the person not get some high because this person had sex with you--so you must be special cause you are a dffierent ethnicity-- you will see its all the same and really enjoy some action! The real question is sex v. love. There is the sex where you think damn!!! that was great but you dont want to see them again and then there is the sex with feelings/bonding involved where you cant wait to up the ante!! that what I'm talking about!!!! on another note... I find it interesting that in all these different artlcles about black women and white men dating the comments are about love, respect, understanding all that. No one is putting down the black man, in fact they big up the black man, but in the one article about dating white woman, it is a black man who puts down the black woman..... why??? is that really necessary??? Anyway, he is just one man, so he does not speak for all black men, but I will point out that, that was the reason most quoted as to why black women are dating white men. to get the LOVE and RESPECT they are not getting from black men (men like the one on the white girl know who you are).