How they met and married in two months
Electra decided to try online dating because she was never a big fan of the club scene. When a certain gentleman reached out to her on the site, it wasn’t long before they were on the phone for an hour...then another hour...and another. After five hours of great conversation, they finally called it a night. “What stood out for me was his honesty and sincerity,” Electra says of Hal, the man she had bonded with so strongly.
They spoke again the next two nights in a row. By the third day... they had to meet in person. What were their first impressions? “It was love at first sight!” the happy couple declares.
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They aren’t exaggerating, either. Electra and Hal’s connection was so intense that the very next day, Hal proposed. Electra’s answer was yes. She says their plans for the future are simply “to love one another forever and a day.”
It looks as though this pair are on their way to doing just that. Just two months after that first five-hour phone call…Electra and Hal became man and wife.
The club scene has its charms, but for Electra—a single in search of something meaningful—online dating was the way to go.
43 responses to "How they met and married in two months"
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monique27 says:Posted: 29 Jan 11
I wish you all the best god bless no matter what anyone say you all make a great couple.
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izagreat says:Posted: 25 Jan 11
you sure look greatly in love. Please fill his cup till it overflows.
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Bluntress says:Posted: 27 Dec 10
Well most people do things in relationships for years like they are married and are not. Might as well get married your gonna do all those things anyway. Why not make a commitment...who care if they got married first day of meeting.Tomarrow is not promised live today
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shondra90 says:Posted: 25 Nov 10
i think they are really happy and this is a really nice Love story
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psloveonly says:Posted: 21 Nov 10
Well, when you know what you want and know that nobody is perfect, When you know you will be able to accept somebody else in your life with their imperfection because you accept and love yourself with your imperfection. You can be marry in a short time period and live happilly forever. In my opinion and experiences, the time you take to get married doesn't have nothing to do with love and it gives the couple less chances to stay married with each other. When you get married by reasoning or by thinking you find logically the right person after knowing them for years, you are on the track for deception and divorce... Marriage must based on love and acceptance for it to last...and believe me or no, humans don't develop love or more love with time knowing or staying together. What is love? Love is the feeling that you feel for somebody else and that feeling is not depending on your own interest, time, money, social acceptance... you just feel that person is the "only" right person for you and whatever this person imperfection is, you will be both open and willing to change or accept one behaviour for the happiness of each other. I think this couple make the right decision to go for it. Life is too short for us humans to make life too complicated and unbearable to live. Happy dating to all!
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Nadiya87 says:Posted: 21 Nov 10
I wish them all the best.those opposed 2 this love story are pessimists
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Jerryjr1987 says:Posted: 15 Nov 10
wow, two months? That's love at first site.
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SamanthaJ21 says:Posted: 19 Nov 10
The heart knows what it wants <3 best of luck to the newly weds
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Cambells says:Posted: 15 Nov 10
I cant wait for it to happen for me. God Bless U Both..
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kissime says:Posted: 12 Nov 10
My best friend & her husband married 1 week after meeting. They're still happily married for 6 years with two beautiful sons. ♥♥
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Eastlondoner says:Posted: 10 Nov 10
Fantastic to see two people finding their soul mates,still waiting for mine.Where are you Nefertiti xxx
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Leti123 says:Posted: 31 Oct 10
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nobarriers says:Posted: 30 Oct 10
I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. Their story reminds me of cultures which have arranged marriages. Young couples in those cultures are told they will learn to love as they grow together. I don't really believe that Electra and Hal can LOVE each other after two months, but they can feel a bond, feel there is something there. Living day by day, as they learn more about one another, I hope their love grows and gets stronger. (LOL and nobody finds out the other is an axe murderer!)
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Rouge35 says:Posted: 28 Oct 10
Good for them. I believe if your open and honest about what you want and who you r then when u find that person for you you know it's right. Go for it. No matter how long you know someone or live with someone or date someone you not going to like everything about them. To me being with someone is being committed even when you can't stand the other person at that time if u can do that then it doesn't really matter how long u know a person because your committed to making the relationship work .
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Empress26 says:Posted: 21 Jan 11
Nobarriers now you just had to go there didn't you, first of all must am happy for Electra and Hal's best of wishes my dears. Now back to you Nobarriers i wish your name was true but because of your comment i can tell that your holding allot back. No one aint perfect we all know that, and while you may not agree that there are such thing as love at first sight there are others who believe in it. My dad fell in love with my mother from the first day he bless his eyes and her she was 14 and he was 18 yrs am 26 yrs old and my parents are hapily married, so plz tell me why there aint no such thing as love as first sight. When you find that love that you want or that love find you then am looking forward to reading your success story nobarriers. We have enough on our hands to find true love and to figure out if that person is being real to us or not etc... dont you think stretching it to as far as an Axe murderer is way to much for us all? yeah we all have to be careful that's why everyone knows first couple of dates in public places where there are people around. Dont be having the mentality that you might get yourself an axe murderer on any site cuz then you only would be holding yourself back from what you can really have and you can fall in love with an axe murderer even at church, positive thinking maybe then it might help you to open up tp love. Fear is a terrible thing.
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Empress26 says:Posted: 21 Jan 11
My mom was at age 14 my dad was 18yrs he's 63 now and shes 59 they had me when my mom was 28 yrs old so they both know what they wanted,now so tell me who says there aint no such thing as love at first sight... no Barrieres i totally find that your comment is not logical or as a matter of fact correct at all. True love does exist but only a few are lucky enough to find it.
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queen19 says:Posted: 24 Oct 10
am sure it will happen to me soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha
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hellofawoman says:Posted: 21 Oct 10
I'm happy and hope that they can make it work for the long term.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 20 Oct 10
The first ones are hard to find but the world is alive and well with healthy doses of lust.;-) Actually I think that is an oxymoron there. I would rephrase it as a health does of love because love is much harder to find in this world than lust, even harder to find than respect, companionship and friendship. What the world needs now is what is always needed the most of, a healthy dose of love.:-)
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friendnpartnr says:Posted: 20 Oct 10
It's a sad state of affairs when people reach a stage in life where they are so jaded that they can’t appreciate love, respect and caring happening for others. We all judge life through the lens of our experiences and believe that is reality or judge harshly when our pain or disappointments have clouded our view. Do we really wish deep down that was us or why not us; wish them well because if it’s not true on this site it is true in the real world. If it were us, would we be offended because people think so little of heart and intergrity and don't even know us? Sure it seems untrue because it hasn’t happened to us; but maybe we missed the opportunity because we were looking for Mr./Ms Right with the wrong heart and state of mind. I personally know several people (my sister is one), who met, dated for 2-3 months, got married and are still married after 15 or 20 years. How many of us know others who did the traditional dating, engagement and didn’t stay married less than 5 years or worse those divorced after 20 years (my other sister is one). If anyone can find respect, companionship, friendship, and a healthy dose of lust; God Bless them! I wish them well.
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mandee34 says:Posted: 19 Oct 10
That's really a nice story. I wish them the best.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 19 Oct 10
It would be insane if they were younger but statistics show that at and older age with more life experience and relationship experience, people know what they are looking for more in a person and can often get married in a short amount of time and have it last. My Christian denomination is heavily into marriage in undergraduate but Seminary is often the last chance to get married and I have known more than one couple that got together and married in only one semester because they felt time was running out. But that is only my denomination and I never found out if their marriages lasted so I can't say in their case.
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fire321 says:Posted: 18 Oct 10
I must be the only one that finds this story insane. There is now way in hell I would marry someone after two months of dating. You're still in that "fairy tale" phase during that time. I do wish them the best but my common sense wouldn't allow me to do something like that.
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amandasheart says:Posted: 13 Oct 10
Awwwwww..........what a cute story :)! I really enjoy reading about interracial couples like this. This guy knew exactly what he wanted and he went full force to get what a turn on! Ditto Eve11, I pray that the same happens to me. I know that special guy for me is definitely is out there somewhere. I just haven't meant him yet but I'm anxiously waiting :)!
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woodman2 says:Posted: 12 Oct 10
I have wrote to many women on this site, but no one want a real commitment. The women wan a man to spend money to come and meet them, once you get there they have an ex male friend.many of the women are not even from this country. they want you to send for them and they never come to you and you never see the money any more. woodman2
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eve11 says:Posted: 10 Oct 10
woah ,what a story!!! i pray the same happens to me, i know he is out there trying so hard to reach me!!!!!
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Teetee1117 says:Posted: 09 Oct 10
May they were honest from the very start with each other. Maybe they gave it a chance to become more than a flirt or IM?Seems to me that if you recieve 10,000 or more fews something should happen... I'm just saying
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G.I.JANE3868 says:Posted: 29 Sep 10
I say god bless them, and may they have 20+ years. I know it will happen for me, I just have to stay patience. Something we all should practice. We all heard the the saying "good things comes to those who wait."
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bronzefusion says:Posted: 24 Sep 10
its a beauitful story,its not cuz they are older,its about knowing what you want and they knew that when they found each other..those who date for a very longtime are never sure of how they feel for each other and i beilieve when couples wait for so long they are probably afraid of doesnt matter whether they are young or old,its about knowing what they want and when you find what you are looking for i dont see any reasons to wait any very happy for this lovely couple and may they always be happy forever. Victoria xoxoxo
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SpringLover says:Posted: 21 Sep 10
This is such a beautiful couple that seems to be drawn together by honest and true love, I wish them forever happiness. ~Lovely
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Kelligirl says:Posted: 17 Sep 10
uggghhhhhhhhh now why can't that happen to me LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1Bee says:Posted: 12 Sep 10
i think it happens differently for different couples. you can't spell out an equation that fits all. anyone who talks shit on the couple is probably jealous. haven't found anyone interested in them for longer than a week.
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sweetrose407 says:Posted: 06 Sep 10
I think that when you are older, and you have waited for love long enough, you know what you want. Then, there is really no reason to wait to get married.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 04 Sep 10
Maybe they were older and wiser and knew what they were looking for in a soulmate so they didn't need all the time that younger people do to make up their mind whether they were the right person to marry or not. I bet they stay married for life and never get divorced!!
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serenity33 says:Posted: 30 Aug 10
That is a very good suggestion. Does anyone have any more on this topic for why people can marry in only two months? What about younger couples that do this? Is there a reason for them? Anyone out there with first hand experience like this?
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Newawlunzguy says:Posted: 29 Aug 10
Perhaps the fact that this isn't their first rodeo and likely know what they're seeking might be a factor. They're obviously NOT spring chickens and have been around the block once or twice.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 29 Aug 10
Why doesn't this happen all the time and why did it happen in the first place? And I hope someone does a followup story on them to hear how the happy couple are doing. It would be nice to hear some opinions from other people on this subject since it is a totally new phenomena to me and I want to know what people think about it.
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Wow,how sweet it would be to be loved like that!! A good man and a good woman who went after their hearts desire and remained consistant with it.Thanks for keeping hope alive for the rest of us.God Bless you both as you continue your journey of love together.I'm staying hopeful that my true love will find me someday too! :)