Video: Glad She Forgave His Faux Pas
Annique and Jan live in Germany and met on our site (their English is pretty good, by the way!). We asked Annique about her previous dating experiences. “I was just tired of being alone,” she says. “I tried other sites too, but with no success. In fact, I had been here for more than three years [when I met Jan]. I was so lonely! I read almost all of the success stories and wondered why I couldn’t find mine like the others did.”
Jan says he had been lonely so he “searched and found your site.” He adds that he “just hoped” he would meet someone special. Annique wasn’t that optimistic. “I had no hope at all anymore, after so many years online.”
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In this video, Christelyn Karazin takes us through their story of second chances made good on...
Then, “maybe three years” after posting her profile, she finally had a stroke of luck. “Jan emailed me,” Annique recalls. “His message was soooo long that I thought to myself that something was going on. I thought he was really interested in me!”
Initially, Jan was drawn to Annique’s profile pic. “I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world,” he informs us. “I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to write to her. But I was sure I would have no chance to catch her attention.”
But Jan did spark her curiosity, of course. “His message was cute and he looked so calm in his profile pics,” explains Annique. She liked his even temperament.
So they just went on a date and the rest is history, right? Not so fast…
“Jan stopped answering my messages,” Annique reveals. “After awhile he replied to an old message of mine, which made me mad, so I replied that I wasn’t interested in someone who replies to a message weeks later. He said he was sorry and explained that he had an accident at that time, but [at the time] I didn’t really read it.”
Perhaps as frustrated with years of fruitless dating as she was with Jan, Annique stopped logging into our site. “Months later, I came back online and re-read all of our conversations from the very beginning,” she remembers. “At that moment I realized that he had been really kind, cute and extremely interested in me, so I decided to send him a message telling him that I was ready to give him/us a try. His reply was very quick. A day later I visited him, and since then we have been inseparable!”
We appreciate the candor and degree of detail this couple brought to their interview. Obviously, few relationships breeze effortlessly from online introductions to full-blown love, but sometimes couples make it seem as though they do. Perhaps they don’t want to share the “warts and all” truth with the world! In any case, Annique and Jan shared honest insights into their courtship…
“I wasn’t that surprised when she refused me,” admits Jan. “I thought she was too pretty, and too young, for me. But I was deeply interested and still wanted to explain why I couldn’t reply to her messages. Around eight months later, she said she wanted to give me a second chance. That was the most positive and unexpected message I have ever received.”
In fact, as they mended fences and re-opened the lines of communication, the pair quickly made plans for an in-person meeting. “When she said she wanted to visit me with her two kids, I was soooo happy and super-excited,” says Jan. “I was praying and hoping that she’d like me. She planned to visit for a few hours, but her visit turned into a seven-day vacation! I didn’t want to let her go and I couldn’t imagine my life without her anymore.”
For their first date, they met at Jan’s house to watch a movie. “I though his pictures didn’t do justice to him,” says Annika of the moment she first laid eyes on Jan in the real world. “He was just too handsome, and pretty tall – just like my dream.” Jan remembers the moment fondly, declaring that, for him, “It was love at first sight!”
During those first few hours both were surprised at all of their “similarities.” They knew they didn’t want to be apart any longer than they had to. “We didn’t had a second date,” Jan says. “We stayed together because we knew we belonged to each other.”
The pair found they got along exceedingly well and made each other laugh, which is key. “He is the most honest and funny guy I have ever dated,” Annique notes. Building on that, Jan adds, “We have the same sense of humor. And she always eats all my candies ‘cause she is too lazy to go and get hers!”
We asked when they knew this relationship was more than a fleeting romance. “When he asked me if I could move into his place,” says Annique. Jan’s answer is “When her son came to hug me.” Today Annique is just as happy as can be. “I think Jan has brought joy and stability into my life,” she says. “He is my dream man... exactly the way I imagined my man would be. I’m just deeply in love with him.” The feeling is mutual. “She is perfect,” says Jan.
“I proposed on October 26, 2016 – six days after our very first date,” he tells us. “I was just about to believe I’d end up alone when this beautiful woman came and brought light into my life!”
Here are Annique’s encouraging words for singles. “The most important thing is really to open your eyes and take your time to read the messages you receive. Your other half could be right there in your mailbox. Also, don’t focus too much on profile pics. Jan is not so photogenic, and I nearly passed by the love of my life. In person Jan is really hot! He’s tall and has a beautiful heart.”
“Never give up,” Jan urges readers. “Sometimes it’s when you don’t expect it that the miracle happens. The most important thing is to be self-confident enough to write to that woman, the woman whom you think is the right match, even if you have the feeling that you have no chance at all. Write something more specific that shows how much attention you’ve paid to the person she is. A simple ‘hi’ is just too common, especially if you’re not the only one messaging her.”
54 responses to "Video: Glad She Forgave His Faux Pas"
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Beingrealme says:Posted: 15 May 18
Another beautiful story and encouraging words of wisdom.
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GgGardern says:Posted: 14 Mar 18
well if he say I'm so sorry.! and l apologize! it tells me that you he stiil love's me? To me its nice and we move on with our relationship.
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ElegantLamb says:Posted: 07 Feb 17
Very nice :) I'm hoping I have a story to tell on here one day soon enough. But congratulations you guys!!!
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cusmile4me says:Posted: 02 Feb 17
Aw you guys are so sweet, continuing cherishing each other.... God Bless Celia
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Cindys23 says:Posted: 26 Jan 17
Why can't I find one too? I don't want to have children with another man other than my husband. God please give him to me.let him find me and we be happy together. Please shorten the distance for him. I can't really wait to be so happy as you friends. May God bless you.
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brillbless says:Posted: 22 Jul 17
God will answer your prayers sooner than u expect
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gaetano says:Posted: 24 Jan 17
for Jan. you are a lucky man. Annique is a very Beautiful looking women.had I meet her first I would have married her without a doubt. God Bless Gaetano spennato
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Rootsqueen says:Posted: 23 Jan 17
Very inspiring wish u guys all the best.. :)
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Radiantrossy says:Posted: 12 Jan 17
Hmmmm.... What i love about this success story is the fact that they opened up on the hitches they faced. Forgiveness and the boldness to reach out again is key and crucial. Always follow your heart. You just might be a click away from that special someone.... Never give up...
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mumbalamba says:Posted: 11 Jan 17
looking followed to meet mine you know, have been alone for good 9 and 2months years, have visited many sites no hope, today am on this site eager hoping that this site will never fail me, asking my almighty everyday to a swear me this time, i don't want to loss hope just positive 100%
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Katrina226 says:Posted: 09 Jan 17
Glad they found each other, true love still exists... hopefully I will find mine too.
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divaeve3 says:Posted: 08 Jan 17
Wow am happy for all of you who found love hoping to find love too...though am already giving up..
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Yfer says:Posted: 06 Jan 17
Love is love it's nothing to do with race or age its love....some people will die without ever meeting their soul mate because they put a restriction on who they wanted to live or be loved by!!
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DKCHOCO says:Posted: 03 Jan 17
Quick peek at someones profile...comes in here and speaks about women, yet he also puts up roadblocks, lol hypocrites. This is too funny.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 04 Jan 17
Awww. Since you're obviously talking about me, you can name me. I have nothing to hide in this world of women-get-what-they-want-but-men-need-to-accept-what-they-can-get. If anything is hypocritical and funny, its women with their requirements. Preferences can be negotiated. You women don't have preferences, you have REQUIREMENTS which you disguise as "preferences".
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DKCHOCO says:Posted: 03 Jan 17
The part that threw me for a loop, was she took her kids to see him...what??? These young women smh. Lord have mercy. And she stayed 7 days? What kind of employment does she have that she can just stay? I never comment with criticism but dang! I just cant...
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Jess_Michele says:Posted: 16 Jan 17
You are a very negative individual. No wonder you have not had any luck.
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harmoney says:Posted: 02 Jan 17
The things that are going on right now and all over This includes all race of men. We have rapist child predator.ex con's murderers bank robbers people married people who owe child support. We now have terroist. Coming to the United states etc. These sites do not do background check. It just make it seem like the black woman are desperate for a white man. It's good and bad men in all races.Im.interested in.white men. I'm doing my back ground check. There is so much domestic violence it brings tears to my eyes. If I had done this year's ago i.would of saved myself aggravation. I have to share the truth .nothing but the truth. This is my motive for 2017
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 03 Jan 17
I'm so glad to see yet another News media, Law & Order TV show brainwashed human being blabbing on about BACKGROUND checks. Sweetie, background checks aren't going to tell what a person might do in the future or not do ever. Women have been married to POLICE OFFICERS who ended up killing them!! But I guess you only watch and read news that's convenient for you, right? Try Googling "Drew Peterson" and then come tell us all about those 'background checks' that you seem to think work miracles.
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DKCHOCO says:Posted: 03 Jan 17
Yes, background checks should be done, for your own peace of mind, I remember a while back, a woman went on vacation and met a man, and took her two young daughters along on a boat trip. And unfortunately thats where the story ends.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 04 Jan 17
Ever heard of Drew Peterson? Google him. Come back and tell me what "background check" would have done any woman any good in regards to him....a POLICE officer. ;)
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 04 Jan 17
P.S. I bet you're a Christian...when it's in church. "Forgiveness" eh? Ha! You speak about a woman who met a man and you didn't elaborate on anything about that man. So if he had a criminal history, is he the spokesperson for anyone who did something wrong in their past? I get it..."God" forgives. You don't.
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Riola says:Posted: 01 Jan 17
The sweetest thing, really. This is a great inspiring story. May you both find profound happiness in your union.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 01 Jan 17
Ok, I can't read any further now. I got to the part where she met him WITH HER KIDS and ended up going to his house and spent days there!!??? Listen, I'm so totally NOT against that because adults can do as they feel fit. But l'll say this, if I didn't know this was a German couple, I would have at least known from story that there is no way on earth this was an American couple. American women think so poorly of men it's sickening. They all think we're psycho killers yet women are not immune to committing crimes against men or even other women. Now I see what I have to do to meet the woman of MY dreams - I have to stop going for American women. Period.
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reallycute says:Posted: 13 Jan 17
That is so not true I'm very sorry you feel that way about American Women, but I think that people shouldn't judge. Life is about taking chances to always be aware of what you are doing and not to pre-judge anyone. I also think that we go searching for love if you give love I believe it will and can come to you because we attract and draw to us what we send out. If you are a negative person you will draw negativity to you no matter where or what country you live in. If you don't believe me then try this; smile at someone you don't know and chances are they will smile back or start laughing very hard and you will make others start to laugh to. It's about what you give out into the world it can and will come back to you. So keep loving and laughing.
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Cindys23 says:Posted: 26 Jan 17
Come to African women, you will not experience it
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 30 Mar 17
What you said SOUNDS good, but it's NOT reality. Reality is that we DO judge. Especially women judging men based on an array of different things from his HEIGHT to his INCOME, to his PAST, etc. We, as a society, need to stop this bullshit talk of "don't judge others" and actually start practicing the art of not judging others on anything but their content of character and how they treat us.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 01 Jan 17
Annique says she was "tired of being alone". Sorry to throw a wrench into the bicycle spokes of this situation but ummm...when men say we're tired of being alone we become fodder for insults and accusations such as women saying the dumbest things like "Well why are you alone? Do you abuse women?" Like seriously!!!?? Double standard much? If anyone's sick of this "dating/single" scene it's me as well as a crap ton of other men who get rejected for something as trivial as our HEIGHT. Yet we're accused of being superficial and body shaming if we have a specific attraction to SLENDER build women. The hypocrisy is real on the dating scene.
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Reggie431 says:Posted: 07 Jan 17
Right! So far I've been too rich, too tall, too poor, too short, too fat, too skinny blah, blah.
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Davidwise says:Posted: 31 Dec 16
I thank God for experiencing this true story God has already signed your union from the beginning. Pray I experience the same
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peterness says:Posted: 31 Dec 16
Due to her reactivity and her assumptions about him, she amost missed out! The story is a good lesson for women on here... To not make assumptions or project and to give a guy a chance.
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Paganinifan says:Posted: 01 Jan 17
But they don't because in reality, they don't care about other people's experience.
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Reggie431 says:Posted: 07 Jan 17
Right! There are quite a few DSM Cluster B Looney birds on here. Ain't normal marrying some one so soon.
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peterness says:Posted: 10 Jan 17
Female or male, I don't think it's wise to project or make presumptions as to why someone did what they did? Don't automatically think what you assume is the truth. Ask them why? That's the best way. If they are honest they will be truthful and then you can make your decision based on accurate information. Due to her assumptions she almost blew off a man who is she is now apparently in love with. It is good that she is honest about her story so that others may learn.
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KOMKER says:Posted: 30 Dec 16
Annique, me have reach ur level when u haven't yet made Jan's, I'm also a mother been single for 7yrs , have searched but it's like luck is not my side any more, but be4 I could completely give up all hopes of both on line and online dating.......I came across this on here. Im hoping that this one brings me good pple hence a good man who will change my story like urs. God bless u r union and family.Amen.
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KOMKER says:Posted: 30 Dec 16
Antique, me have reach us level when u haven't yet made Jan's, I'm also a mother been single for 7th are now, have searched but it's like luck is no my side any more, but be4 I could completely give up all hopes of both non on line and online.......I came across this on here. I hoping that this one brings me good pole hence a good man who will change my story like us. God bless u r union and family.Amen.
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IndieJunkie says:Posted: 30 Dec 16
Very very interesting resting story. :) may it work it for the both of you guys.
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dnymugo says:Posted: 29 Dec 16
Annique, I think I am almost reaching where you were before meeting Jan. But your story has really encouraged me. I will keep the fire on as am sure he must be looking for me. All the best
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KOMKER says:Posted: 30 Dec 16
This online needs alot of patient, coz some pple can mean to piss u off with their stupid message like I want u in my bed, if I could pull them off this site it would be a relief to many serious pple.
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funewalls25 says:Posted: 17 May 18
Love will all ways be better so like is my answer.
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kuizy says:Posted: 29 Dec 16
Wow very encouraging. Good luck. And congratulations to both of you.
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U r so lucky u found yo beter half I hope I find my soulmate too