Can a man in NYC and a woman in North Carolina make it work?Can a man in NYC and a woman in North Carolina make it work? For two people living in New York and North Carolina, it might take a lot to get them together for the long haul. But love has a funny way of bridging the greatest of distances. “I never thought we ...
Success Story: CoffeeEyes and The_ChiefSuccess Story: CoffeeEyes and The_Chief Some people say Love takes time and nothing could be truer of our latest success story, CoffeeEyes and The_Chief. She said: I am so very happy to have finally met the man I've been looking for all my...
Evoyne and Grapjas Tie the Knot!Evoyne and Grapjas Tie the Knot! We know many of our members often wonder how things work out when they see a success story posted on our site. For those of you who don't know Evoyne and Grapjas then here's a fresh look, for those w...
Success Story: Christa and Arthur WrightSuccess Story: Christa and Arthur Wright We have meant for months to write to you because we found such an extraordinary love via your site! I am a German living near Cologne in Germany and I found a charming man from San Francisco on a Fri...
Success Story: Jenn and MatthewSuccess Story: Jenn and Matthew Our site was responsible for at least 12 marriages that we know of this past year and this month's success story features a couple who were married on the 18th of December. Jenn and Matty! Now, Jenn...
Success Story: Phyllis and GrapjasSuccess Story: Phyllis and Grapjas Just to prove that the internet really does make the world a small place, here's another success story of two people who actually knew each other and finally managed to get together when they found ea...
Success Story: Cocokat and KCJonB28Success Story: Cocokat and KCJonB28 Must be something about the end of Summer here in the States but we have had so many success stories this month that I thought I would share them with you all. Above are a couple of pictures from thi...
Success Story: It's Mrs Banana1 to you now!Success Story: It's Mrs Banana1 to you now! A few months back we posted a success story from Chiquita (Banana1) on our site. Chiquita was kind enough to send through a photo at her recent wedding to another member of our site. She also tells ...
Success Story: Bahamasguy and Bahama202Success Story: Bahamasguy and Bahama202 When Corey and Donna first arrived on our site, the only thing they had in common was Bahama in their nicknames. Ironically, Corey is from the US but living in The Bahamas, Donna is originally a Baha...
Success Story: ScarobSuccess Story: Scarob Every man on our site should listen to this great success story from Scarob, he's got some great tips on how to contact the woman of your dreams and make her yours. Just like he did! Hey, This is S...