How a Shy Hermit Came Out of His ShellHow a Shy Hermit Came Out of His Shell Holly and Tony had a lot in common, but they lived in different states and he hated socializing, so making this work was an uphill climb...
Will his 'last-ditch-effort' at online dating bear fruit?Will his 'last-ditch-effort' at online dating bear fruit? Whether it was doing calculus, painting or watching movies, Velda and Sanel enjoyed sharing experiences on Skype so much that they HAD to meet in person.
Their Pet Popped the QuestionTheir Pet Popped the Question Though Lisa and Joe’s engagement was delayed by 1200 miles, a patient courtship, and an uncooperative cat, it was worth the wait.
Video: He Met His Fiancée 25 Minutes into His MembershipVideo: He Met His Fiancée 25 Minutes into His Membership Upon meeting Stella, Graham immediately shook off the residue of his last relationship and realized he’d never known a love like this before.
In Vegas, They Went "All In"In Vegas, They Went "All In" Gina and Gregory watched movies together via FaceTime before meeting in person. Now their love story is like a movie.
From Non-Members to Married in a Matter of DaysFrom Non-Members to Married in a Matter of Days Now that she’s married to Julian, Cera has advice to impart to seekers of love everywhere, especially the guys. “Men, don’t talk about sex,” she begins. “Don’t send naked pictures! Work on...
Video: Glad She Forgave His Faux PasVideo: Glad She Forgave His Faux Pas Annique and Jan nearly missed out on the love of a lifetime when, frustrated, she left our site. In this video, Christelyn Karazin takes us through their story of second chances made good on...
Video: It Only Took TWO DAYS to Meet Her MatchVideo: It Only Took TWO DAYS to Meet Her Match Doris and Darren clicked right away. No, we mean RIGHT AWAY. As in, two days into her membership...
Best Friends Since the BookstoreBest Friends Since the Bookstore Anitra and Terence shared a spiritual nature, a zip code, and an immediate chemistry.
Under the Eiffel TowerUnder the Eiffel Tower Tania made Eric wait, but that didn’t stop him. He had enough patience for both of them, and it finally led them to Paris in the moonlight.