Are Their "Beautiful Babies" on the Way?
“Other sites weren’t working for me,” Melissa says of her choice to give us a shot, “and I was interested in meeting people from all over.” She was “not very” confident that we could help her find the love she was looking for, but she still posted a profile with the handle “Tatt2D.”
Another member, “Jon360,” noticed Melissa. Jonathan wasn’t a newcomer to the online singles game. “Online works for my busy work schedule,” he explains. “But I didn’t think I was gonna meet my wife here!”
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They signed up at roughly the same time and, within a couple of months, a connection was made. “I was browsing the site and found her profile online,” Jonathan relays. And what made Melissa stand out in a sea of interesting women? “I saw that she likes Asian men, and I like white women, so I checked her out,” says Jonathan. Perusing the profile only increased his interest. “She’s blonde, and has beautiful eyes!”
Wanting to know more, Jonathan reached out to her. “I sent her a Flirt, which she responded to,” he tells us. So Melissa took a look at “Jon360” and liked what she saw. “He was cute, and I liked what was written [in his profile],” she reveals. “He was very similar to the type I look for.”
The initial chit-chat went well, so these singles started wondering what the vibe would be like in real life… “She had to go to California for a business trip, so I asked to meet her when she visited,” recalls Jonathan. Melissa didn’t see the downside in dropping by. “I figured, ‘Why not?!’” she laughs now.
In the Golden State, the duo met up at a local bar for their first date. “We had a few drinks and enjoyed our time talking,” Melissa informs us. She found Jonathan “very shy, but polite,” which was appealing to her. That night Jonathan was probably trying to play it cool, because he remembers thinking, “I’m gonna have beautiful babies with her!”
It’s safe to say their first meeting was a success. Melissa was surprised by “how well we got along.” Jonathan nods in agreement, adding, “We jive together.” After Date No. 1 Melissa was “pretty sure” they could make the best of the long-distance problem. As you probably know by now, Jonathan had no doubts. He says he was “so sure!” there would be another time.
Melissa grew to care more and more about Jonathan. “There’s more to his personality than what the profile says,” she observes. “I appreciate his personality!” As this turned into a full-fledged relationship, Jonathan also saw more and more to like in Melissa. “I appreciate her care and loyalty,” he declares.
Lying next to Melissa in bed one night, Jonathan realized he had to marry this woman. “I proposed three weeks before our next meet-up and, because of the distance, I did it via video call. It was stupid, I didn’t think it was gonna work, but she said YES!”
Melissa explains why saying “no” was never an option for her. “I feel complete [with Jonathan], and it’s just an amazing feeling knowing that somebody loves you!” Jonathan is amazed at how much his life has changed since meeting Melissa. “I feel like a better person, and I’m still looking forward to learning more and experiencing more together.”
To wrap up this happy tale, Melissa will provide her tips for the online daters out there. “Just be yourself, and don’t be scared. Go for it!” Jonathan doesn’t want you to get discouraged. “Don’t lose hope, be yourself, and never be afraid to keep trying,” he urges everyone. For the ladies he adds, “Don’t waste your time on players.”
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