Are Black women and Asian men being sidelined?
I'm always blogging about how White guys are getting the hot Asian women… but let's not forget Black guys dating White women.
One thing that made me sit and think for a moment is… "Are there fewer white men that are willing to date black women… and even fewer white women willing to date Asian men?" It’s like Black women and Asian men are being left on the sideline when it comes to the interracial dating game. So why is this?
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When it comes to online dating, Black women and Asian women seem to be disadvantaged. Men of all races usually claim to be open to dating men of all races but they seem to have reservations when it comes to Black women. Similarly, women who claim that they just want to find a nice, kind, respectful man, who say physical preference is not a deal-breaker seem to pump their brakes at Asian men.
Whether we like it or not, this is evident online and also with other match-making services. The profiles of Asian men and Black women rank lowest when it comes to the numbers of other singles showing interest in them. They seem to get fewer messages as well as fewer matches. Matchmaking services also say that these two groups are the hardest to find matches for.
There is the emasculation of Asian men by the media for years that seems to have translated to a self-fulfilling prophecy that ended up giving birth to an actual non-attraction to Asian men in real life.
As for black women, the media portrays them as sassy, strong women who emasculate men. Society makes them appear to be more masculine than women of other races making people assume that they are effeminate, hence physically less attractive.
Asian men and black women are having a harder time dating because of the societal constructed beauty standards and stereotypes. On the other hand, Asian women and Black men are doing so much better with Asian women being idealized as being more sexual and more feminine and Black men as more masculine and well endowed.
Then there is also a different spin to all this... maybe Black women and Asian men probably aren’t interested in dating outside of their own race...
The other thing about Asian men and Black women is that this particular interracial combo is also rare. Black woman-Asian man couples are sometimes even ridiculed as poor matches by whites, blacks, and Asians alike. Is this combo freakish as some people who have never seen such a couple put it?
I believe when people finally get over their rigidity and put a human face to black woman-Asian man relationships eventually they will respect this combo as much as most Americans accept and even laud some other types of interracial unions.
Well, I think this would be one viable option to consider in interracial dating… Seeing as Black women and Asian men are the least likely groups to be matched online, maybe they should consider dating each other more. That way we will see a rise in Asian Men Black Women couples and then maybe, we will stop gawking when we see them. What do you make of it?
476 responses to "Are Black women and Asian men being sidelined?"
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Akida says:Posted: 08 Mar 09
I think it sad that race even matter but the truth is black men generally aren't interested in me and the ones that are...aren't good black men. I started to like Asian men because Asian culture is intriguing to me. Also, I was intimate with an Asian guy who whispering foreign words in my ear. I liked it even though we didn't go far I kind of curious. I don't know I really liked playing in his straight hair. His accent was adorable. I just was really attracted. Not to say it couldn't be the same with another race. I like to make people stare and I love the fact I don't care if he makes me happy he could be blue and screw what people think.
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Nickie_bella says:Posted: 16 Feb 09
To add to "HyderabadChick" response, if you have a facebook account, you can groups that support Asian men and Black women relationships. Search on "Asian Men that love Black Women". I also want to add that I do have a cousin who is married to an Asian man.
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HyderabadChick says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
Oriensus, I'm a black female. Join this group on yahoo: asian men who love black women. (It's usually written as one word). There are others too but this seems tob e the most active. You'll probably enjoy the discussions. The group is mostly black women and some people have actually met and even hooked up. Plenty of takers for you. Enjoy :) HC
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oriensus says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
Hi DraMAma, I expected such response from somebody. Yes, I'm for real and no, I'm not so so so wrong as you put it, lol. No where in my previous post did I wrote or imply, as you have wrote, "whole race of people are unattractive". I wrote Asian men in GENERAL are not attractive. Some of the female posters above have written so themselves. We don't need scientific evidence to show that Asian men in general are shorter and slimmer. We simply don't fit the prototype of tall, dark, muscular and handsome. Are there Asian men that are tall, muscular and good looking? Yes. But for every one "yes", there's a thousand "no" (ok, a thousand "no" is kind of exaggerated). So again, I'm only talking in general, NOT all. The point I'm making is really simple: it's just a physical attraction issue. This doesn't have to be complicated. Perhaps in the future the Asian male look will be more acceptable. But for now, it is what it is. Oh, and go ahead be a bad girl.
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DraMAma says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
Oriensus! You can't be for real. How can anyone believe that a whole race of people are unattractive? I am an African American woman. I know in American history, something to that effect has been said by white Americans about Blacks. However, how much credence could it hold when slavemasters were creeping into slave cabins to have their way with Black women? Everyone has their preferences, but no race of people all look the same. There are definitely a full range of features within the Asian community, within each Asian country. And let me tell you, there are definitely certain Asian features that drive me wild! Just last night, I was speaking to a Korean man in whom I am interested. He said, matter-of-factly that Korean women do not like his face because it is rough and manly. Well, that's exactly what I looove about his face. He has the most beautiful bone-structure, high cheekbones, full lips, broad shoulders and mad swagger. I can't believe he doesn't realize how beautiful he is! As soon as I saw him in the club, I wanted to meet him. So, you are so so so wrong, Oriensus. Just like I am not attracted to every Black man, I am not attracted to every Asian man, but boy oh boy...there are plenty of Asian men who make me wish I were a bad girl. ;-)
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oriensus says:Posted: 03 Feb 09
I definitely agree with some of the post above in regards to the LACK of allure towards Asian men. People are always curious why Asian men don't date outside of their race and have tons of silly and complicated theories. The answer is quite simple: Asian men are not attractive in general. It's really, really just that simple. Just like any sensitive issues, people like to beat and beat and beat around the bush and never really face the core issue. Here the core issue is simple: LACK of physical attraction. Think about this, we have all seen many, many Asian women date outside of their race (whites in particular), evan Asian women don't want Asian men, doesn't that say something??? I'm an Asian male that lives in New York city and have mostly been with black females (90% of females have been black), so I'm certainly not speaking out of self pity or lack of insight. Some of the black female posters on this blog are very frank about the physical attraction issue, and that is the CORE issue. This isn't the only issue but it is the main issue. I'm also sick of Asian guys complains about Asian women dating outside of their race. That shit is just weak and annoying.
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JOY says:Posted: 29 Jan 09
well, it is about time that black women are stepping out with other races of men. I have always believed that god didin't put me here to be with just one race of a man. I have always dated outside my black race. many black men have a lot of mess with them,and they don't want to or like accepting responsibilties. that is what shapes a man to be who he is as a man. furthermore, I always had this thing with me, that I don't give a damn if black men go to all the white,and whatever else women they can get with. Personal, I wish that all the white women,and asians women get them because it is not anything to me. And many black women need to pick up their low self esteme. when it comes to black men. There is no reason, what claims to be a real man, should not take care his children,stay out jail, and truly learn what it is to be faithful,respectful,and reponsible. I have talked to many reaces of men,and many of them said that black men don't treat black women right. The way many of them feel about black,yet they come from a black woman,is disgraceful. I don't have a problem with anybody who wants to date anybody. but I do have a problem with black so-called men who make up excuses for what they do. I'am quite sure there are good black men out there,but they are not for me, after more than thirtysix years of dealing with them. One thing is for sure,and two is for certain,It's too many real brothers out there who will do the right thing by black women. When I was a child,I knew that I would one day marry a man,but I never thought my husband would be black. I love all god's creation,and I'am happy to be able to experience it in all its form and beauty. Sisters, go out there and get yourselves a wonderful man. And real man doesn't need another race of a woman to bulid up his ego,and more. many black women need to stop making excuses for them. Black women are so strong,and are wonderfully talent,and have beautiful skin. And others are fake baked skeezers.
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DraMAma says:Posted: 13 Jan 09
RESPONSE to Comment by Tippy on 3 November 2008: Sorry my friends but Asians talk too much,have a great culture,not very tall,have no sense of humor and are very aggressive hahaa!But i do admire them for all this heheeee…Good day all ___________________________________________ TIPPY! You really have to stop generalizing a whole race of men. The Korean man I am getting to know has a great sense of humor. My Asian, male friends from grammar and high school were extremely funny. I've only known Asian gentlemen, and I never remember thinking...he talks too much. On my recent trip to Vegas, I saw just as many tall Asian men as I did shorter ones. People are people. All races come in different shapes, sizes and personalities. How unfair to put people in a box. I know you wouldn't like it done to you. Don't miss out on some of life's blessings because of a closed mind and erroneous information. I'm not just speaking about your attitude towards Asian men. All the best to you, Tippy.
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DraMama says:Posted: 12 Jan 09
Hello, everyone! Like some others, I found this blog because I was interested in what others had to say about Asian men and Black women. Recently, I was in Las Vegas and experienced something I never had before. At one of the clubs, I was approached by men all night long. Now, I'm used to attention. That wasn't the odd thing. I had on a simple, flattering top...not snug...and jeans. I am a dark-skin woman with shoulder-length hair. Now, of all the men that approached me that night, only one was Black. The rest were White, Asian and Latino. Well, I danced with one Asian man. When I first saw him, I was instantly attracted. He had charisma and good looks. He was muscular and had "swagger" that was SEXY! I was stunned when I saw him. When he noticed me, he immediately flirted and seemed to want to dance. As I said, I was stunned; so, it took me a while to absorb what was happening. So, he continued to the dance floor with his friends, a male and female Asian couple. Later, while dancing with one of the White men, I passed the Asian man, and again, he flirted. Finally, we danced later. I just walked over to him and without missing a beat, we had a ball on the dance floor. He was a great dancer, who obviously enjoyed the mix of Hip Hop, R&B and Rock music that was played. We laughed and chatted. I found him sweet and gentlemanly. While we danced, three Asian women kept giving us dirty looks and whispering about us. The one Black guy who approached me made his displeasure known. Finally, I had to get back to my friend, with whom I had come to the club. Not long after, my new Asian friend was back over where I was standing, asking for my number. We have been keeping in touch, so far. He has expressed a desire to date and even cook for me. LOL! Honestly, the possibility of facing additional racism and prejudice has crossed my mind. However, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, we're getting to know each other, and I'm enjoying it. The night at the club, another hot Asian man, who was about 6' tall, laid the smoothest line on my friend. We never expected Asian men to come for us...and certainly not so smooth and hard. Bottom line, lay the stereotypes to the side. Explore for yourself. Be open-minded. Even if you don't find love, you might learn something, make a great friend, grow as a person. Those are all worhtwhile things!!!
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lala2qz says:Posted: 09 Jan 09
Maybe because I'm from a younger generation, but I disagree with some statements about Asian men. I have been approached by quite a few and I didn't have to make one move, and I'm black. Maybe it's just older ones or something. I don't think it's because I'm mixed either. There are many Asian guys that like Black women. Also, I get no pressure from my family to marry anyone with ethnicity as a requirement. Since I can remember, if I want to marry a black guy, white guy, Asian, whatever, it's fine, as long as he treats me well and is a good man. My friends that are black also don't mind, they only seem to have problems with white guys(and that is dating one themselves). One of my white male friends was the only one with a problem with me talking to an Asian guy and I think that was a bit of a jealously issue because I would not date him and maybe throwing tasteless puns about Asian men made him feel better about his own insecurities.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 09 Jan 09
On the comment of Romeo must Die and kissing. Don't think it is a Black Asian thing. If you watch Chinese movies in general (Just look at Jet Li in Fist of Legend), you will see kissing is frowned upon in many movies. The ones that show making out and what not are usually low budget ones.
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Salsassin says:Posted: 09 Jan 09
Have had friends who are in this type of relationship. They are all in very loving relationships. I think that once all the stereotypes and prejudices have been overcome, and they actually get the shutzpa to try dating each other, most all the ones I have seen (but not that many), have all been fruitful relationships.
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life2go says:Posted: 05 Jan 09
It is hard for me to understand why a black woman of all people, would say she doesn't a whole race of men attractive. Isn't that what the media and society as a whole does to us on a daily, no hourly, better yet every second of our lives as black women. What's more pathetic is we've fallen for it. I have family members who I have never seen where their natural hair... and I'm not knocking weaves because I enjoy changing up my hair and wearing them too but I also wear braids and my natural hair. I would like it, no love it, if I never ever hear another black woman say she'll date other races but prefers a black man. It is ridiculous for a lot of reasons I won't get into. A few years ago I decided to sign up online and communicating with a gorgeous asian man but because it was online and I wasn't comfortable meeting him because I had the silly comments of my family and friends in my mind, I eventually chickened out. It was a huge mistake... Black women, we are so strong in every other respect but one place we fall is allowing our families (and girlfriends) to have too much influence over our love lives. Just food for thought.
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Maridoe says:Posted: 30 Dec 08
Well now, come to think about it... I have been dating (that is to say Dinner and a Show) since I was 16, and I have dated I guess just about every nationality over the past 20 or so years while looking for Mr. Right. However, I can never remember being hit on by any Asian men. I guess I thought they just liked Blond White Girls and never gave it another thought. Just a thought. Mari
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starthai says:Posted: 17 Dec 08
Candykane said: "I wasn’t talking to you or about you, it’s that one sentence that HighRisk posted that struck a chord with me. It was not about you, I don’t know you, I didn’t put your name in my original post because it wasn’t about you, got it?" Sending my apology.
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lovingstar says:Posted: 11 Dec 08
Asian men are goregous, sexy and bold. What is not to like?
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BeReal4me says:Posted: 07 Dec 08
OK, I forgot to address des_pres. I agree on some of your issues, but brother, give us a break! Not all Black womnen are hard and uneasy and rough or whatever views you have on us. YES, we have pressure on us and have most of our lives. We are a strong breed, but are as soft as you allow us to be. We are subtle, loving, sensuous, sexy, intelligent, responsible and want a man to come in and just "be a man" without us directing all the time. We are in the boardrooms, on the decision panels, in ministry, in management, head of households--DONT YOU think we want a good man to say, "Hey sweet lady, I appreciate all you do and am proud of you. I have PLANNED dinner, a spa visit or a just us visit somewhere and gotten us a hotel room for the night. I appreciate my hardworking, strong Black woman." Baby, those actions can get you points unmeasurable. Stop looking at our strength as a weakness for you. We have had to take care of our children, our businesses, our positions and YOU. SO, Take a chance, PLAN something for us, show us something and we will be easier for you. We, like any other woman, love to be appreciated for our talents and want a man to be in tuned with us and not just what we have to offer. Most women can be hard. I know White women, Asian women, Indian women, Pakistanian women, Mexican women who are friends of mine. THeY're harder than I am and will tell their man where to go and how to get there in a hurry. SO be that man that we can be easier with. YOU may be scared of any woman that has strength. I hope not. A good brother scared...not good.
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BeReal4me says:Posted: 07 Dec 08
It all depends on preference and confidence. Confidence is what the Asian male and Black female need to have if they are interested in each other. I went on a cruise in 2005 and I met 2 most adorable Asian man-Black woman couples. THey both had been married a number of years with children. They were so into each other (at least on the boat). I loved being around them during dinner and other events on the ship. I find sexiness in all races. I am not in tuned with these guys from other countries that are using American women for staying in the country. But even some of them are sexy. God is a BIG God, for those who do believe. I do believe he is capable of bringing what and who I need to me. HE can create a blessing for me. He knows what I like. SMILE Keep your preferences open and know that you never know who is your blessing. I agree with some of the others, MEN STEP UP and ask us. HAVE CONFIDENCE. You may come across YOUR blessing.
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Jabali says:Posted: 29 Nov 08
I had an Asian girl once. An Indian girl in India. Like all my former loves I cherish that experience. Couldn't work though cos I had to get back to my country and she had to stay in hers. I suppose lot's of people were happy when that didn't work cos we went through loads of opposition, but it just goes to show that all humans are so inherently similar. They fear what they are not familiar with or what they do not understand and this manifests itself in stuff like racism, prejudice etc. Fortunately racism is on a sharp decline one day we will all just look at each other as what we actually are; human beings!
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Member says:Posted: 22 Nov 08
I want to say firstly that as a Chinese-American male, I have ALWAYS been attracted to women of color. The proverbial "one that got away" for me was a beautiful Black goddess who I was madly in love with and to this day still gets my heart racing and makes me wistful as to what could have been (in that particular situation, I was ready for a serious relationship but she was not). From my personal experience – and consistent with what some others have mentioned here – I think that the challenge that many Asian males (from what are traditionally considered the "Far East Asian" cultures of China, Korea, and Japan) have in dating and being with non-Asian women (not just Black females) is principally tied to immigrant parents - especially if they lived with and grew up with large extended families and in typical immigrant communities (such as Chinatowns or Koreatowns). Without going into a long-winded dissertation on “immigrant life and experiences” – I will just say that a primary barrier that Asian men have in dating non-Asian women are based primarily on the fear and guilt of their 1st generation immigrant parents rather than outright racism or prejudice (although I know that there is a fair amount of that also within the Asian community). This fear and guilt is based upon the parent’s fear that their rapidly assimilating children have no use for their (the parent’s) traditional cultural heritage and consequently, there is a heavy guilt on their part that they should not have let that happen so they often times become super traditional and insist that the children only stay within the race if nothing else. Having said all this, I have observed that these attitudes are really no different than those of other immigrants – including those from Europe during the 1800’s and 1900’s – and I believe that these attitudes tend to subside after the initial first generation. I think there are also some ingrained barriers within the African American culture of BF’s dating AM’s primarily because (from my perspective) AM’s were just never thought of as a romantic option for BF’s. I have had a lot of BF’s tell me that they never thought that AM’s were interested so they never took the time to flirt or express any kind of interest in them – and they were surprised (if not shocked) when I expressed interest in them and pursued them. Additionally, I believe that popular media stereotypes also inhibit a AM/BF pairing since many may believe for example that AM’s may feel intimated by the stereotypical “strong BF” or that AM’s only want subservient females. I don’t believe that these stereotypes are fully reflective of the evolving modern day American BF and AM, and that there is a high degree of compatibility that may be surprising to a lot of people (again, from my own experience). Overall, I like the idea of the AM/BF match and believe it will become one of the more common place interracial pairings in the future.
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Roxy says:Posted: 18 Nov 08
I know you have your opinion Poshcli but you are generalizing and the person who says that a West Indian is not Black is full of shyt! You may not be a Black Person from America but you are definitely Black and share the fact that BOTH Groups of people were brought over on Slave Ships...It's sick to say that someone is more than Black when they are clearly Black. WTF is that?! The Asians that I associate with (Mostly Filipino and Chinese) love the hell out of some Black AA Women, they love our culture (mostly Hip-Hop), our hair styles, our music (mostly rap), when I visited China, the men were throwing themselves at me and their undergroud party places were fun and they played Black Music be it rap, house, R&B... I have two Chinese Male Friends that met and married two Black Women from the West-Side of Chicago; I have friends who's Grandfather's are Chinese and Grandmother's are Black and they look Afro-Asian. What you are saying is cool BUT I am glad I can speak on behalf of Asian Men that genuinely love Black Women and they love the Black Culture and Black Experience with everything that involves being Black. My friends admire me, they don't look down on me! *Filipino Men (The Best looking Asian Men in my Opinion)LOVE Black Women like CRAZY!
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Poshcli says:Posted: 16 Nov 08
I think that the big difference with whether or not an Aian man will date a black woman has a lot to do with his familial ties and expectations, as well as, funny as the may sound, geography. Most Asians tend to disdain and look down upon African Americans (AA) and AA culture, they do however make the distinction between AA, Africans and West Indians(Caribbean), while the consider AAs Black, they don't consider africans and west indians black. My husband is Asian, his college roommate was west indian and his parents don't consider him black, their specific words upon meeting him were something like "he's not black, I thought you said he was black?". His girlfriend before me was AA and his parents had a fit!! I'm west indian, and they have absolutely no problem with me at all. They feel like the culture that I'm from and their own is more similar and family oriented than that of AA's, and so while I'm not the asian daughter in law they expected, they accept me more easily than than they would an AA daughter in law.
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Roxy says:Posted: 11 Nov 08
Hi Kiara, What can I say? I've never been with anyone really and these two men turn me on in the worse way! I am thankful that I am not ghetto and I am happy that these two wonderful men are in my life... I can't resist them!
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Kiara says:Posted: 11 Nov 08
What the hell, Roxy, you plan to sleep with both men eventually? lol Black women will never have a good place unless the majority stop acting like vulgar, ghetto idiots, until then, all black women are going to fall into that category and no one will want us. It's not the colour of our skin alone, it's the rotten attitude at times. Now I must point out that I'm not saying all black women are vulgar and ghetto but most media roles protray us as such and in real life, the girls and women that demonstrate and create a scene are usually the black ones and that's one of the reasons they are undesirable. No one wants to be with a woman who nags or jumps off at every little mistake made.
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Roxy says:Posted: 10 Nov 08
I am an African-American Female and I have two men in my life: An African-American and Filipino Male. A person made a comment about Asian Men being small; I don't know about all Asian Men BUT my Filipino Lover is HUGE; my African-American boyfriend is a nice size too!
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ROXY says:Posted: 10 Nov 08
I am currently dating two men: I have an open relationship with an African-American Man and a Filipino Man...they both know of each other and they are okay with it. I am a virigin and these 2 men are the only ones that I want to have sex with when I am ready...I am an African-American Female... A person made a comment about Asian Men being small; Well not all Asian Men are small. My lover who is Filipino is HUGE; I am almost afraid to do it with him (lol) and my African-American boyfriend is a nice size too! I am crazy about them both! They are both sexy, passionate and loving. I will loose my virginity with my African-American boyfriend first because I have been with him much longer and we are building a business together!
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mia says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
I know this forum is for people to vent out their feelings. But let's get this straight…….. THE MORE WE STAY IN THE PAST. THE LESS AHEAD WE CAN GO AS A COUNTY OF MANY NATIONS. NO MATTER HOW YOU PUT IT PEOPLE HAVE AND WILL ALWAYS SEE ANY OTHER COLOR AS THE LOWER LEVEL. WHAT BETTER WAY THEN TO PIT THE TWO CULTURE THEIR AMIRE OR FEAR THE MOST AGAINST EACH OTHER. BUT WE AS THE LAST TWO CULTURES THAT KNOW ALL RACE HAVE THEIR ASSHOES AND CREEPS. WE CAN NOW STOP BELIEVING IN THE B/S THE WHITE MEDIA HAS BEEN PASSING ON TO THE OUTSIDE NATIONS. KEEP IN MIND THE SO CALL TRUTH IS COMING FROM WHITE AMERICAN THAT HAS FOR CENTURY STEALING OR CONVICING OTHER NATIONS TO SELL THEIR LAND FOR PENNIES THAT IN TURN IS WORTH MORE AT THAT TIME. OR TO MARRY OFF THEIR DAUGHTERS TO LOWLIFE THAT WOULD ABUSE THEM OR SELL THEM OFF. DO YOUR RESEARCH ON AMERICAN HISTORY ON HOW ASIAN WAS SEEN AS NOT RACE IN AMERICA BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T PLACE THEM IN A RACE CATALOG THAT MADE SINCE TO THE WHITE RACE. And these books were written by highly noted Asian writers. So an American-West Indian born to a parents that is mixed with Portuguese and Seminole Indian. We truly need to stop here with the myth of how Asian sees us. And how African American people see them. We are of different colors but feel and see the same thing. January 20, 2009 is a new nation where all will have a chance to make a difference in their lives or the community. Here is a man that was raised a good portion if not all his life with Asian but embrace where he came from. Let’s take note of his achievement of people who made him who he is now. Irish/Kenya/German and the love of his stepfather culture Indonesian.
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tastycakes says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
I am a black woman who has always found asian men attractive. The problem is that in most cultures men are told that if they date outside their race, the only acceptable race (in their family's eyes) is white. I have friends of every race and from every country on earth. It's a shame that in most cultures black women are seen as less disireable. Because of the stereotyping of asian men in the media, they are also seen as less disreable. Asian men are protrayed as the friend and never the leading man. Many of you mentioned Romeo Must Die and even in that movie they were not allowed to kiss. In America asian men and black women are statisticaly the least married ethnic groups. It's a shame we can't get our two groups together.
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Slade says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
LOL there asian dudes that are as big and burly as a black man or white man and just as atheletic and tall but for some strange reason their not depicted in main stream media. People are going to fall in love with who they prefer to be with regardles of stereotypes and ignorance.
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Joe says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
I am a fourth generation Chinese man who is going to go overseas to find an Asian bride. I do not want fellow Asian men to not get married or being forced to marry someone they don't want to. If I marry an Asian women here, then it will inevitably force an Asian man to not get married or marry someone of another race, because Asian women interracially marry +250% white, +700% black. I am planning to go to India or Sri Lanka to find a bride. I love the black skin and masculine facial structure of Dravidian Asian women. I have recently been informed by my friend of Chinese origin from Dravidians. This will increase the number of Asian women in the USA by one, increasing the options for poorer Asian men in the USA who can't similarly go to their homeland to take up a wife who will not work.
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marcy12 says:Posted: 05 Nov 08
Two of my cousins (american panamanian) are married to Asian men. Their families accepted them, and adore their beautiful grandchildren. Has anyone taken a trip to Panama? Asians,Panamanians have no problem. The business I am in, I am in contact with the Asian culture quite a bit, they give me the utmost respect to help assist in their business. Yes, some of the men do hit on me and are looking for black women.
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Tippy says:Posted: 03 Nov 08
Sorry my friends but Asians talk too much,have a great culture,not very tall,have no sense of humor and are very aggressive hahaa!But i do admire them for all this heheeee...Good day all
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Tippy says:Posted: 03 Nov 08
Sorry my friends but Asians talk too much,have a funny culture,not very tall,have no sense of humor and are very aggressive hahaa!But i do admire them for all this heheeee...Good day all
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Tippy says:Posted: 03 Nov 08
Sorry my friends but Asians talk too much,have a funny culture,not very tall and are very aggressive hahaa!But i do admire them for all this heheeee...Good day all
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khmer612 says:Posted: 31 Oct 08
Look am kambodian i do agree wit all da sterotype dat da media portray us asian men as not being fly or sexi. I would love to be wit a sista it jus eartyme i try 2 git wit 1 da brotha b hating i think dat blak women got da meanist body of all race see am a suka for booty n light skin sista btw im 5'10 155 so if u want sum 2 try sum spring rolls hollaaa
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raxy says:Posted: 29 Oct 08
All I know is I love a asian men. They are sexy as hell.
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Pri says:Posted: 29 Sep 08
I think asian men and african american women should date more. I Personally adore asian men and asian culture.
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Smartlady28 says:Posted: 27 Sep 08
I agree. I preferred a good black man. At one time all I would date is black men but now I will consider dating Asian men as well. Why should we have to put our lives on hold? If the right Asian man, black man or mixed man or who ever comes along I will be more open-minded than I was before. Black women and Asian man share several commonalities any way. Such as Intelligent levels Education Yoga / Tai Chi exercises Hip hop music and dance Traveling National Parks Careers- most Asian men tend to hold good careers Etc…. A lot of black men don’t seem to be on the average level of black women or they want to play games. A lot are in jail, chasing white women, etc… I think black women and Asian man are a great mix and another alternative.
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vtreasures says:Posted: 12 Sep 08
Wow! I can't believe that this blog has been going for over a year. I must say that I have dated men of various races, unfortunately not an Asian as of yet, and have found men to be men. It's not their race that determines their character but their social influences. My assumption would be the same for Asian men as well. I think that it's really a great thing that everyone has commented on this topic. I really appreciate the comments from the AM, theirs have been most insightful. I have to say that I think that AM are very sexy I really like that most(not all) are not so aggressive in their approach to women. That attracts me the most. I live in the south and usually when a guy/man likes you they are are very aggressive about letting you know that. Unfortunately for them, that's a big turn off to me. However, meeting someone in which you can have a great easy going conversation about a myriad of different topics is a great way of getting to know someone. Well anyway, I live in one of the military cities in the south and I see tons of interracial couples however, I can't recall seeing any AM/BF couples. The Asian population where I live is very strong, and it is not uncommon to see Asians. So, I am looking forward to seeing more AM/BF couples in the future. Hopefully I will be one of them. Well anyway. Again, I do appreciate everyones insight on this subject.
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CandyKane says:Posted: 08 Sep 08
Starthai, you're really full of yourself, aren't you? Since you want some attention here it is. I wasn't talking to you or about you, it's that one sentence that HighRisk posted that struck a chord with me. It was not about you, I don't know you, I didn't put your name in my original post because it wasn't about you, got it? I made a general statement about narrow-minded people, but since you're so full of yourself, go ahead and eat it up. Majority does not speak for a whole race, there are still the good ones out there, so of course one is narrowminded if they use an experience to judge a whole race. Then again, seeing as how you took my first comment up on your head when it wasn't directed at you, you just love to be noticed. I can now see why they treat you like that... my, my, what a picture.
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BoriLoka says:Posted: 07 Sep 08
I think people venturing outside their race is beautiful, I mean why be limited to a certain race? I am attracted a lot to Asian men. Most of the Asian men I have come across aren't shy, and willing to go after what they want. Your always going to have your typical ignorant people saying stick with your own kind. Its kind of funny someone mentioned that to me yesterday, when I was admiring this Asian guy at a bar be que. My roommates boyfriend says, "You should stick with your own kind (rubbing the color of his skin because he is black), do you think those people want you in their family?" I laughed at him and told him, "Let me not forget to write that in my, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK NOTEBOOK." Its ignorant comments like that they think discourage, women such as my self, but in reality it only encourages me, and ignore the ignorance of other people. And I always have to tell people, "NEWS FLASH IM BIRACIAL, PUERTO RICAN AND BLACK...HELLLERRRR" But overall I love Asian men, not just because their, "Asian," but because of their values and respect for women. Ok enough of my
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jackson482 says:Posted: 07 Sep 08
As an asian guy, my gf is black & quite dark skinned and I find her extremely attractive. We met in college as runners on the same team and for four years we were together for classes, meals, practice and track meets. Both our families were so used to seeing us together that they accepted us as a couple. The funny thing is that I consider her sisters as my own and she considers my brothers as her own. We love each other and have no problems other than the occasional remarks made by other black men and women who question her choice in loving someone outside their race. It can be annoying at times but, hey, loving her is worth it!! We recently got engaged and let me say to all the black women out there that there are asian guys that are willing to marry you.
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Starthai says:Posted: 06 Sep 08
CandyKane said: "I’ve known alot of people to do that and that is just very idiotic of them and anyone who does such a thing. It’s much like the people who watch the music videos or movies and think that everyone from the race depicted is like that in real life. Gees, how narrow-minded and naive." "Candykane" you seem to be the idiot the name speaks for itself . I don't see how my perceptive statement calls for folly. Unlike yourself I'm not a child and your weak analogy above goes along the lines of what a child or someone extravagantly sheltered does.
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Starthai says:Posted: 06 Sep 08
High Risk said: "Starthai has personal issues with Asians in one dental office. Please don’t make an opinion of a whole ethnic group. Diyal, if people stare, who cares." Oh really, so your going to deny that a great percentage of Asians think very low of Blacks. I'm not buying it. Because your with a black women I would say that doesn't make you the norm. Since you know it all the Asians in the Dental office had personal issues with me and my kind and thankfully I'm no longer there. I can also recall countless of times going into an Asian run business and getting hawked until my way out the door as if I'm going to steal something, but I'm sure you'll deny this type of behavior as well, right!?! But, thanks for your response and glad you weren't offended, because I'm still not interested.
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defcon says:Posted: 28 Aug 08
black-asian love is a beautiful thing! Im a vietnamese guy and i've always been attracted to black women and culture. i have been dating many black females and it has never been difficult dealing with family or what people say. well i guess cause i was the type that didnt give a ish when it comes to love..anyways if you like that person then like them for who they are... I have been asked from asian guys about black women. they always have the typical notions they hear or see, that makes it difficult for them to approach or to be with. im saying guys go for it black girls need their asian persuation! lol I have a cousin that is married and they have blasian kids that are so beautiful! so make more blasians people ;)
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uphoria3 says:Posted: 23 Aug 08
I digressed; I am a black woman that has always had an interest in Asian men. I'm constantly ridiculed because of it (now instead of being called Oreo, I've upgraded to Boston creme donut, lol). Each time I've been told "they look like girls, they smell funny, they have funny teeth, their short, they have small packages, they are too weak, their families are too strict, they're nerds, your kids will come out looking funny, your suppose to be with a black guy, etc..." (that last one is my particular favorite) but that didn't change anything for me, i like what i like; I'm not attracted to black men (never had a good relationship with them)and at this point anything else would be preferable. i always felt that black women were breed to only want or like black men, which is fine, but only if you can honestly tell me that it's a preference and not a bias. Like whatever you want is what i say, but don't look down on me because our tastes are not the same. From day one my mom told me that one day i will grow up and find a fine black man (always was specific) and i was never once encouraged or supported during any of my outside race relationships, so i always felt in the wrong. Now that I'm older I'm ashamed for thinking so. the only Asian guy i ever dated was Cambodian, i was 16 and he was 23. we dated on and off for 4 years (we were also engaged on and off for 3 of those years.) he was pretty old fashion and his family didn't like me, expect for his 18 year sister who studied in mulan. We ended badly because of cultural differences (he wanted me to stay home, i wanted to go to college, grad and law school, and work at a law firm; disaster is what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable force.) and him being a major butthole, but that hasn't ruined my perception of Asian men, it was just one bad experience. So all those women who said i told you so know where to stick it. i think black women need to stop holding on to this hope that there are enough IBM (ideal black men) to go around for them and become open minded like everybody else. Statistics have shown when it comes to dating white and black men are the most open minded and black women and Asian men are the least open minded. Not everyone has to jump on the interracial train, but you at least have to try something different because you never know, I'm always pleasantly surprise when it comes to trying something new.
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uphoria3 says:Posted: 23 Aug 08
I find this funny on how discussed this topic is. I've found a lot of sites that asks these question: "are Asian men and black women being left out of the dating game?" "are Asian men attracted to black women?" "are black women attracted to Asian men?" "are black women and Asian men considered unattractive?". they have studies on it, i'm pretty sure they have books and classes on it, but what it all comes down to, to me, is interracial relations or cross culturalization. how we interact with each other and how do we see each other. I could give you every story in the book of some type of stereotypical situation, shows of prejudiced, or xenophobia, but to make it simple people are just people and ignorance is bliss. I've had friends from Brazil ask my Asian friend if it was true that Asian women had horizontal vaginas; totally innocent, but still ignorant. I've had an Asian guy come up to me ans smell me and go back and tell his other Asian friends that black women don't stink. I've had a white lady talk to me on the phone and then met me in person and tell me on the phone i sounded white and give me a suspicious stare as if my name and voice couldn't possible belong to a black girl. After my interview she said I'm must be from the Caribbean because only they talk and act so well and professional; and she felt totally okay saying it to me like i was supposed to be pleased. the point is, it's up to each and everyone of us to be open minded individuals. Discussions like this i don't take as offense, although most of my friends do, because it shows me times are changing and discourses such as these are important to encourage that change.
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uphoria3 says:Posted: 23 Aug 08
I find this funny on how discussed this topic is. I've found a lot of sites that asks these question: "are Asian men and black women being left out of the dating game?" "are Asian men attracted to black women?" "are black women attracted to Asian men?" "are black women and Asian men considered unattractive?". they have studies on it, i'm pretty sure they have books and classes on it, but what it all comes down to, to me, is interracial relations or cross culturalization. how we interact with each other and how do we see each other. I could give you every story in the book of some type of stereotypical situation, shows of prejudiced, or xenophobia, but to make it simple people are just people and ignorance is bliss. I've had friends from Brazil ask my Asian friend if it was true that Asian women had horizontal vaginas; totally innocent, but still ignorant. I've had an Asian guy come up to me ans smell me and go back and tell his other Asian friends that black women don't stink. I've had a white lady talk to me on the phone and then met me in person and tell me on the phone i sounded white and give me a suspicious stare as if my name and voice couldn't possible belong to a black girl. After my interview she said I'm must be from the Caribbean because only they talk and act so well and professional; and she felt totally okay saying it to me like i was supposed to be pleased.
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