A Big Bet on Her Birthday...
Rich was coming off a relationship that didn’t go the distance, but it didn’t convince him to give up on love, either. “I had decided to come back into the dating world,” he says. “When I returned to the site and was looking at profiles, I ran across a picture of a woman… It was as if my heart melted.”
Rich confides that it was “somewhat strange,” but it really felt like the woman in the picture was looking only at him. Her screen name was “IM Kitten.” But there was more going on here than animal attraction. “As I read her profile, I found she shared the same interests, etc.,” Rich elaborates. “More than any other woman I had read about.”
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After more than a year on the site, Rich had never felt this way. He was confident that he would meet someone on our site, but he didn’t expect anything like this. What transpired over the next few weeks was like something out of a movie…
Before we get to that, let’s meet our leading lady. Lori (aka IM Kitten) was serious about finding a long-term relationship. She decided to try online dating because it was “the best way to really find out about a person’s interests, character, goals and values,” she explains. When, after a month on the site, she received a flirt from Rich, she found that his profile spelled out all his wants and needs. “I thought his profile was of substance... It was different, and well thought out.”
But that wasn’t all. The physical component was there, too. “I thought he was the best-looking guy I had seen on this site, hands down,” Lori reveals. “I was blown away that he even sent me a message!”
Rich continues the story from there. “I sent her a flirt, and she reciprocated. So I sent an email, and she replied.” Did that go well? Here’s Lori. “From the very first email exchange, I felt our connection was unlike any I had experienced,” she says.
As much as this romance felt preordained to Rich from the moment he laid eyes on Lori, their first phone call was pivotal. Things could go either way at that point. Fortunately, there was never any doubt. “From the moment the first words left her mouth, I knew this woman was ‘The One,’” he says. “I’ve only had this feeling once in my life, and it turned out to be a 14-year marriage.”
In fact, things were going so well that Lori decided to spend her birthday with Rich—and that birthday was a big one. “We drove to Vegas to celebrate my 40th birthday!” exclaims Lori. As first dates go, this was a big step—but it felt right for these two. And sure enough, the chemistry continued to grow. Exactly what happened in Vegas will stay in Vegas, but suffice it to say these two gambled on love and won big.
As their relationship progressed, Rich and Lori made arrangements to reduce the distance between them from 3000 miles to zero. Lori moved from Washington DC to California. She hasn’t looked back! “I always thought I would have to sacrifice certain things in a life partner, until I met Rich,” says Lori. Not only is he everything she hoped to have in a man, she has the utmost respect for “his values as a parent, friend, teacher, son and brother.”
Rich says that Lori’s upbeat energy “brings out the best in all who meet her.” He adds that they think so much alike, they often finish each other’s sentences. “We just ‘vibe’ perfectly together,” he says. “She makes me want to be a better man!”
It should come as no surprise to hear that Rich and Lori were married in Los Angeles on October 29, 2011. Lori is still on Cloud Nine. “He has made me the happiest woman in the world!” she says of her new husband.
Rich says that he wants to grow old with Lori. “Thanks for the beginning of a new life,” he tells us. All in a day’s work, Rich!
183 responses to "A Big Bet on Her Birthday..."
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Ginger4922 says:Posted: 20 Dec 12
What a beautiful couple!! I'm so happy for them and I wish them the best.
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fix says:Posted: 11 Dec 12
such a great joy well i don't have much to say than to wish them success in there marriage...
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kare1984 says:Posted: 10 Dec 12
Online dating is complected but those who do it and get married,they are lucky.It really sucks but as the saying goes,"keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best". Good for them
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rebelsaltue says:Posted: 24 Nov 12
For sure in this God's sanctuary, everyone is created in marital images so I'm happy for them that they coupled up and may they subdue the earth.
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marion2012 says:Posted: 17 Nov 12
Wow!! thats so great for Lori and Rich,wish u all the the best.I wish i get my soulmate soon.
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VERWELL says:Posted: 01 Nov 12
i feel happy for you both and i hope God have been keeping you save as one and i will keep praying for you both and yours kids all expected WISE YOU HAPPINESS FOREVER,LOVE NEVER END EVEN IN HEAVEN FROM MICHAEL NJAU FROM KENYA
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paul2tite says:Posted: 03 Dec 12
Wish you all the best in your marriage life and pray God grant you guys the best in all your deeds
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patricia69 says:Posted: 31 Aug 12
I really believe online love is the way to get a partner, by taking an example for Lori and Rich who are happily married and i hope for the happiness and love they have now lasts all through their way since that is the best payment they can ever have for life. Congratulations upon coming to a similar decision.
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Irvino says:Posted: 29 Jul 12
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BigSeafish says:Posted: 06 Jun 12
Good to see this, but all with time the turn to be the same.
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sisino says:Posted: 26 May 12
Hello. Congratulate both succeeded in romantic relationships. It's great examples. Thank you. But life experiences and Adventures. All human beings on this earth agree on this theory. All. This development comes as Mental with the progress of civilization. And personal ... and also ... the psychological structure of emotion and pleasure ... To time in all of these data to succeed if the mind walking at both ends. Man and woman And trying to facilitate the road between them ... for example I am. Come to the real results ... for it to give my secrets Private. Sorry ... Thank you for access.
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sassyfrazz says:Posted: 12 May 12
Iam happy for anyone to pursue live ,happyness and a healthy good strong propers life with someone.I wish u the best hope yuo grow old with each other love you,both have a safe understanding God will make it last if u work hard for u and him love .bye Sassyfrazz
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Mygirl19 says:Posted: 16 Apr 12
What a great story :) its so beautiful to see radiant love can make us as is evident in this picture,so happy for you both you look perfect together like a Hollywood couple and pretty soon you both would have a couple of super gorgeous kids driving you both crazy and turning the house upside down lmao your both so lucky in love and i wish you all the best and pray this happiness last the rest of your lifes. @marlene49 i must admit your comment is strange to me i mean seriously?,what man in his right mind would look at you and call you ugly!!! Okay so your not model thin but so what?,beauty comes in all shapes and sizes your not only beautiful but sexy as well so i beg you never to let some arrogant dumb guy tell you different!!! And one day day believe me you will find the right guy who will prove everything I've said true to you,stay positive and if negativity should come knocking on your page do what i would do *tell him to tie a rock around his neck and go jump in the sea because if he can't see how perfect you are then his better off dead to you* goodluck girl and remember SMILE.
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Tedcel65 says:Posted: 12 Apr 12
So happy for Rich and Lori. I believe love at first sight is real and still does exist. It's just spotting the right person. I pray you guys find eternal happiness. And for Marlene49, don't give up on love, there is someone out there that will love you for who you are. Being fat is not a crime, there are many men in my country who prefer fat women to skinny ones. I'm a strong believer of love and I hope to find one soon.
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Anjaline says:Posted: 26 Mar 12
That is such a blessing. Every guy who hit me up was grossly unattractive nice to know it works out for some people.
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hotncoolboy says:Posted: 20 Feb 12
hi wel wel wel congrates on your success, we do join dating sites in hope for the best to happen to you, but destiny plays its part at its time. wel we join such sites with a high percentage of success rates & only few get lucky to get the right person who exactly they looking for the rest is a blunder wel i hope n pray the best for every member n get wht is looking for. best of luck guys.
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Kellym1 says:Posted: 16 Feb 12
What a wonderful testamony! I am happy to here that there is still love in the world! I am new to all of this dating on line, and have not signed up totally. But I think this story says alot! I need to explore different opptions that are out there! Thank you both for opening my eyes and trying this dating sight! I'ts a huge step but you only live once! kellym1
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tellstory says:Posted: 20 Jul 12
im very keen to learn the dating world i have nnever had to be gentle im a beginner lol i wanna see some smiles
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Rightguy65 says:Posted: 27 Jan 12
... Its the Lord's doing and it's marvellous in our eyes
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kase23211 says:Posted: 09 Jan 12
Wooow, as if not true. really this site can connect people in a manner hard to believe. Rich and Lori is a wonderful couple. God bless
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dalom25 says:Posted: 09 Jan 12
whooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that very nice story and they look the same as brother and sister . yoh i like u guys , wish u the best for the rest of your life , what ever situation be in love u r a duplicate of each other that's lovely
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live415 says:Posted: 30 Dec 11
I think thru it all, people forget the one basic rule that applies to life in general, for any relation ship to be long lasting and successful "You have to become friends first", lovers come and go but friendships last forever , Get to know the person before you allow yourself the commitment of falling in love .
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Marque2001 says:Posted: 28 Dec 11
This story is off the top but, this show's you it can happen. I tip my hat to Mrs. Lori, She is a very brave and strong lady and went for what she wanted life is to short and she did it!!! Best wish and Happiness always to all who looking for that one love you can't live without. Marque2001
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marlene49 says:Posted: 27 Dec 11
I afraid that doesn't happen to ugly fat woman like me !!???
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Alyce0726 says:Posted: 28 Dec 11
Im sorry but I dont see anything ugly about u....typically an uneducated and stereotypical comment made by those who wade at the shallow end of the pool, u are the exact opposit. Idk you nor am I attracted to women, but as a general and honest statement...You really are beautiful (I love your pic with ur glasses!), and should EXPECT happiness and nothing but the best according to Y add oUR standards. God has someone out there for u, think of it as ur just waiting your turn for your blessing to come :-) Goodluck in your search!
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lovin43 says:Posted: 22 Dec 11
Lori and Rich, I envy you positively! This is a match from heaven. May the good Lord keep your loving ever burning. I am very happy for you. God bless you
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TYRANT says:Posted: 21 Dec 11
They're a BEAUTIFUL couple and I sincerely hope their marriage last forever.
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Godlybotha says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
I can't truthfully say that I never felt the same suspicion over stories like this, as well as the overall disdain at times for the online dating venue altogether as Sweetlover21 displayed in the comment posted. So many of us love online romance stories that (seem to) end happily ever after, but when that happiness has eluded people like Sweetlover21 (And of course, I'll include myself) time after time, they can only naturally cast some kind of doubt as to whether any of this is really legitimate. There's nothing wrong with looking at something with a bit of doubt. I mean, "Rich" has said himself that he "had that feeling before and it turned out to be a 14-year marriage." Well, who or what is to say that THIS "feeling" will culminate into something permanent THIS time? Love is a lot more than "feelings." We get butterflies in our stomachs when we see a hot photo of someone, and then we read their profile text and, many times, will FORCE ourselves to see ourselves in what they're saying, and then we'll pull out all stops to meet that person. Sometimes the butterflies remain for awhile, sometimes they go away immediately. We all can only try to remain optimistic that we'll experience a love story like Rich and Lori. But I think we all still need to keep a close eye on reality, and the fact that online dating sites are pretty much just a crapshoot.
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twilightgyrl says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
WAY TO GO! I congratulate both on finding love at last. It can happen, if you truly believe! I think both are extremely beautiful and LUCKY. I am sure it was a fantastic wedding ceremony. Hopefully, the wonderful man that I found on here will be LUCKY for me. DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOLKS, TRUST ME. Congrats to the bride and groom, may they have lasting love and happiness. PEACE.
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roguemale39 says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
I wanted to say Congratulations on your marriage and wish you two a life of long life of love & happiness.
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Sexynubian51 says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
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CALY2011 says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
This interracial site is the best- besides that the administrators has a way of detecting and eliminating crooked profiles, it connects people across the globe. Congratulation Rich and Lori. The smile,the joy, the excitment between these couple speaks loud enough.Whenever a man/woman meets the dream man/woman, there is always that joy radiating from inside to outside. Watching them energises me the more to continue searching for my own half too. I pray that Rich and Lori will live long loving each other. I also pray that everone of us here shall find the right woman/man of our lives. I wish Rich and Lori and everyone reading a wonderful christmass and the best 2012.
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Shiznitworld says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
A flower should never be alone..Wish that would happen to me too en soon.I pray for them for everlasting love.
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DKCHOCO says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
What a beautiful couple. I wish you both the best, an may you live to enjoy each other for a very long time.
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vision16 says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
what a wonderful union, wish that would happen to me too... wish u the best
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2lagit45 says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
I'm a little skeptical about the love at first site thing, I've met a lot of men on this site and in person, I must admit that there's this one guy, we've been chatting online for 7 months....he's in the military, I've been negative, positive and just plain rude, but he's sticking in there. I've broken a lot of hearts and have had my heart broken, but I truly feel as if this man is the one for me, my perfect match. We haven't met in person, we will meet next month and it's totally my fault, I've been running away from what I want the most, real love from a man. Please don't give up, you will find that special someone, I believe that. I have a daughter and he has no children, but he's willing to be her father no questions asked, I'm going to put my apprehensions to the side and take the risk, GOD knows my heart and I believe that the ice has melted. I hope to soon be a Afro Romance member, sharing her wedding date.
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wellamella says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
Bravo 2 d Cutest love couples in d world.... I celebrate with them and pray dat God will strengthen & bless their love & marital life 4eva. I pray dat God will bless me with d Most Perfect Man in d world.
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onetreehill says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
Grat story and good luck to you both. Live, learn, make a mistake or two, and have no regrets. I wish you both well.
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mr. says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
This is one crazy dream come true for both of them. I pray it lasts for life.
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kingscafe says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
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shoedivva says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
I do agree with sweetlover21, but I have had a totally different experiances with online dating. I have met some garbage, but I have met some ok men. This site happens to be a better of a lot that I have been on. Sad to say but no American man has wanted to talk to me. All were British, German and 1 Russian. They all came to see me and I always met them in Las Vegas. Its close to my home town and I know a lot of people in Vegas and everyone knew where I was going. Out of 11 different Vegas trips. It is a Dutchman Im going to marry in 2 weeks. Met him on this site and with him flying to meet me and me going to Holland. We clicked. During our first date we had all of the wedding vows sickness and health and death. He was in a bad accident on the Vegas Strip on our way to dinner and we faked like we were married so we could be together. 2 days later I got food poisoning and had to go to the hospital and he extended his stay to care for me when i got home. He saw me with no extensions or make up and helped me pay bills. He was a total gentleman. He met all my family cooked food, changed the cat box and does laundry. He is helpful and I prayed for him before i met him. He was exactly what I asked for.When I asked, i also asked God for help on me because men have made me bitter. I think a lot of men want the whole fake fantasy of women and not the real life. They have dreams of have sex with black women. We have gave each other real life , before we gave love and that worked for us. We communicate and we are so different but we have that same goals and plans in life. 2 weeks now to my wedding day. I was on this website to look at the pros and cons on love.Im getting cold feet for no reason. I think the old me is seeking the worthless man who treats me bad , but God didnt give that to me. I think back to the day he asked me to marry him and I was planning my 40th birthday party when he asked. who knew? Race religion employment family and money. We agreed to discuss it all because we like and love each other. He has seen me beautiful sexy and hot and he has seen me ugly fat sick and on the toilet. And with all those things we have love. I love him for loving me as is. Love is where you find it, sometimes just like Lori and Rich, maybe they were ready.
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memaybe says:Posted: 21 Dec 11
Good luck for ypur pending marriage shoediva. I feel you when u say he saw you with no extensions and sick on the toilet. It seems like you have a winner !
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special1122 says:Posted: 21 Apr 12
Hi Shoedivva, I really loved reading your story of love and how you found it. The fact that he loves you for who you really are is the biggest factor. He saw you in your element and when you were not so good but still he loved you. I know men as well as women look for the beauty of a person first but you have to get to know the outer person as well as the inner person, in fact you must get to know the whole package as a person. We must also remember that beauty eventually fades and you have to then deal with the inner person so if all you loved was the beauty of that person, then your relationship will ultimately die. From what you say about this man, he really does love you, don't ponder, go for it with all your heart and soul. I wish you and yours love and happiness always. x
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nisanubi23 says:Posted: 16 Sep 12
I loved your profile and I am so very happy for you. You seem like a beautiful person inside and out,.... Its so wonderful to know their are such genuine people like yourself in the world who are kind spirited. I understand slight cold feet, too. Not so good relationships can leave you wondering about new relationships. However, there's no need for us to wonder just enjoy life knowing that no matter what God will take care of you. So, sit back and enjoy your up and coming wedding day! Have a Blessed and Wonderful New Married Life filled with Joy and Laughter
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sweetlover21 says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
These success stories are officially making me delete my account. Enough with this love at first sight nonsense. I know I am sounding negative but most people are not good people when it comes to relationships. Anyone who does not believe this is in denial. Everything seems like it is about looks and sex its like nobody truly loves one person. This guy even stated he felt love at first sight years ago which lasted 14 years well that was not love was it? He's not with the other one anymore. I'm a decent woman, I have been looking at so many profiles and all these guys are stating that they are such good men. This cannot be true. Why is there so much heartbreak in the world then? Very few relationships are lasting. So what are the odds that all these success story relationships are actually a success. Half these people on these success stories seem to rush love, and are desperate. In my opinion true love does not click right away. Vote me thumbs down if you want but it is the truth.
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Laura71 says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
Hey Sweetlover, I pretty much agree with you; theres so much heartbreak you begin to wonder if 1/10 of the word understand the meaning of true-love. Everyone talks about love, yet impatience, intolerance & all the negatives that ruin relationships are the order of the day. I'm happy for the couple though & it is possible that Rich's other partner may have been the culprit; he might actually be a loving fellow. When 2 good pple who have bn cheated on or dumped by their Exs meet, something good most likely comes of it. I'm still hopeful & I think you should hang in there.
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memaybe says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
Hi there, wanted to say hi and let you know that I was as cynical as you were before I signed up to a online dating site. I put my profile on their, did NOT include my photo and waited for responses. I had a lot of them. THe guys who simply wrote and said pls send pic did not get a response from me. Then I read the messages that had been sent to me and decided to communicate with the guys who had obviously read my profile carefully and were genuinely interested in my words, not my face! So, fast forward, four weeks of emailing, sharing jokes, interests and text messages I arranged to meet this guy, I checked out his name and phone number and met at a brunch restaurant. I sent him a picture of me one day before we met. We spent two hours enjoying brunch and enjoyed a non judgemental afternoon. He invited me on another date and we took it from there. That was 14 months ago, and I swear if you go online and use your profile as a shortlist of exactly what you are looking for, it can work. Guys who insist on pics just want to show off to their work collegues that they got another 'hit' online. Dont give up, be specific in your profile, if you want long term, write it in huge letters! Let those guys know casual dating and just friends is not enough if you are loooking for a husband. Try different sites but make sure you email back and forth and read between the lines and check out if he is serious and make it work. It can work. The guy I am with continues to surprise me, he flew to England and turned up at my door with flowers. All this after I had given up thinking nice things happened to me. Sorry its a long message but I want to let you know online dating can work. GOod luck
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TheEmpressI says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
I want to be optimistic.....would you view my profile and tell me what I should/shouldn't do? I am very open to your suggestions.
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memaybe says:Posted: 20 Dec 11
Hello Empress, I did read your profile. Be specific in your profile, not just the few lines we fill out next to our pictures. I would recommend you change the paragraph where you state the person you are looking for. Where you state "its imperative that I save a man" this can be off putting to some men who are too independent to feel that they need to be saved. Another man told me that no man is looking for another mother. He already has one! I would recommend that you change that whole paragraph and state that your looking for someone with a sense of humor, strengths smoker, non smoker etc. When the man is reading it he needs to see himself and imagine himself sitting and talking with you about your interests. If you are into sports let him know, if you are looking for a divorced dad, let him know. Please be aware that although you are looking for a religious man, you can find that without "preaching it in your profile" THe reason I say this is because there are men who may not have gone to church for a long time and still consider themselves spiritual. Spend more time talking about the strengths you are looking for and leave the religion discussion to after your initial emails back and forth. A man who does not attend church every week and read the bible may think you are not willing to give him a chance. After you have had your first few dates you can invite him to a church event, and you in turn should be open to attending a sports event or museum event even if you dont usually do that. Give the non church guys a chance also and don't forget the guys you see everyday, at work, the supermarket, the coffee shop, they could be right for you. Dont rule out the guys "you would normally never look at" Good luck.
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vbentley says:Posted: 17 Dec 11
I agree with you sweetlover21. There are very few good people out there and it is hard to find out who the few good people are since they are so rare as well as those who claim to be good. I don't really believe in this love at first sight either, or meeting someone and then falling for them shortly after because you really don't know them so that is why I am skeptical. I have encountered all kinds on this site, dishonest people, cool people, crazy people, etc, but the best bet is to have fun with it. The majority of guys don't actually read profiles on this site, they just go by pictures and well as of now i'm just here to meet some interesting people in which I already have, not expecting a romantic relationship cause a few guys on here surprised me on who they really were after a while and not in a good way.
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drew8472 says:Posted: 18 Dec 11
I disagree with sweetlover21 wholeheartedly based on the logic. There are so many couples interracial or otherwise, married or not that have been or are together for a long time. There are many that stay the course! I also believe that for a connection you've got to have a photo as well as a profile. One has to read the profile, look at what the person wants, what you want. I've noticed romance in the UKGB where I'm originally from, to me seems a bit more open than over here in North America. Thee are certainly cultural differences. I think there is almost a reality distortion field of sorts which produces mass paranoia between the sexes, which unfortunately doesn't bode well for budding romance and relationships. Still, I do believe that people genuinely want serious relationships at the end of the day! And this site brings people of different races together. I love that!
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azmommie says:Posted: 28 Dec 11
I don't think it's a realisty distortion. I just think that by the time 2 genuinely kind people find one another, they are too damaged and carry too much baggage to even make a good situation work. I think its very sad. I have a hard time understanding why I myself am alone in this world.
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Rightguy65 says:Posted: 27 Jan 12
All men are not the same.UNTIL you work your love out it remains love at first sight which is elementary.send ur email adr.to my email if u want to know more.
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Rightguy65 says:Posted: 06 Jun 12
I agree with you that all men are not the same, but with time it turn out to be the same. Explain me more.
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nammyo says:Posted: 19 Dec 11
Hi Sweetlover21, I understand your frustration; however, you should not delete your account based on those feelings. I agree that it takes time to really know someone, and honestly, love at first sight is a pretty loose term, especially these days. If you know who you are, I promise that you will attract the right person, and they do not necessarily have to be a part of this sight. Consider what you really desire, and do not stop until you get it. I promise you will. My best to you.
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luvjones87 says:Posted: 15 Sep 12
I understand how you feel. I am getting divorced after 17 years. I am convinced that my true love is out there. I am patiently waiting for my soul mate. But in the mean time I have to kiss a few frogs to find my prince charming. Dont get discouraged. Have faith and be willing to look outside the box. Sometimes the man of you dreams isn't dressed up with pretty paper but is in a plain paper bag! Date guys that are opposite of what you like. Many times we pick the same person over and over because they fit our profile. Then you get the same heartbreak and pain!
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luvsnature says:Posted: 27 Dec 12
Hey sweetlover, i do believe love at firstsight because the first time i saw my husband of 25 years i knew!! Even though he fell out of love with me didn't mean i did. Now i am totally content with our divorce and realize it is the right thing to do but believe me if he was a good husband and didn't do all the horrible things he did i would still be in love. My point is i saw his profile on a dating site and i almost threw up!!!! EVERYTHING he wrote about himself was the complete opposite of what he was for 25 years. I was shocked he even had the nerve to write he was loyal and honest when he cheated several times (that i know about, i"m sure theres more) and all he ever did was lie, so many lies i lost count. He also said he brings flowers home for no reason, what a joke! But believe it or not i still have faith and i know there are some good men out there and i hope i can find a new best friend and lover. I doubt i will ever marry again but i would like to be in a good relationship with a honest, fun-loving man who enjoys nature like myself.
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SAM7167 says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
Match in heaven, woaw! I'm envious! It's like watching it on those TV programs like 'It happens to others, but why not you?'
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Kat says:Posted: 27 Jul 12
I feel the same way especially since my b 40th birthday is in 2 weeks. But it's a beautiful story just wish it was me one day.
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Titina says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
Waaauuuuhhh!!!!!! this is amazing, they are making a very matching couple. they are both prety and handsome i cant believe what my eyes can see. I wish them a happy life and this is forever and ever because what God joins no man can put a sander. Amen
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UtopiaExists says:Posted: 16 Dec 11
Ooooh, he is a cutie! Beautiful bride, too. But you know, it is their inner beauty and happiness this couple exudes that makes my heart skip a beat with delight. Wishing you (and the rest of all these loving couples featured) eternal happiness.
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lyy12 says:Posted: 08 Dec 12
Its good and honor to see two couple getting married from the dating site because some people think it does not work for foreign partners. But here is a prove and am happy for them. Good lucks continued.
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She is really cute;-) Lucky guy!!!